12 days till christmas (Stranger AU) 🎄

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Genre: Au & fluff
Word count:4169 I know it's beyond a novel
Status: Strangers
Warnings:small mention of homophobic family
Takes place: 12 days until Christmas
*the days are counting down from December 13th-25th)*
Chris POV (day 12)

"Chris It'll get better, I'm sure of it" Jimmy said as we walked through the mall.

"I know it will but right now it still hurts" I said.  A week ago my girlfriend Katie had broken up with me. It wasn't a bad break up and she said she'd give me time and we could still be friends and all but breakups do suck and I still feel a bit hurt. Jimmy put his arm around me.

"Here how about this" he said. "Wednesday me, you, and Chandler can  go out and get burgers and just have fun". I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"So I'm gonna eat away the pain" I said sarcastically and laughing a bit. Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"It'll be fun, I promise" Jimmy said.

"Alright" I said feeling a bit better. Jimmy took his arm off from around my shoulders and we continued to talk until we got to the store. For Christmas Jimmy was getting Maddy some baby yoda themed things since she loved baby yoda. He wanted to do something big like the house full of roses but she said to spend the money on people who need it so he settled for this.

"She's going to either be thrilled or kill you when she sees this" I joked as we walked through the store. We had a cart with things that were baby yoda themed.

"I know but it'll be worth it" Jimmy joked back. Soon we walked past a counter with jewelry and I saw a cool chain on it.

"That looks cool" I said out loud to myself.

"What does" Jimmy asked.

"That chain" I said slightly pointing to it.

"Well then lets buy it" Jimmy said stopping. I looked confused. "Come on" we walked to the counter.

"Jimmy it's fine" I said as we walked over.

"You've been down on the dumps the last week, least I could do is get you a cool chain" Jimmy said. I tried talking him out of it a bit more but he was determined.

"Hello miss, how much is that chain" Jimmy asked the lady. While they talked I noticed a cute boy with light brown hair with someone else with dark brown hair looking at bracelets.

Karl POV

"I don't know which one he'll like better" George complained looking at the bracelets

"Clay will like whatever you get him" I reassured him. George has been over thinking this for about 20 minutes. He's flying out to visit Clay for Christmas and wants the "perfect" present even though I've told him multiple times that surprising his boyfriend with the surprise visit was more then enough.

"I know but still" he complained and sighed. "Being gays hard". I started laughing.

"I think you mean datings hard" I said. "This isn't a gay problem"

"For you it might not be"George said and continued looking at the bracelets.

"Well it shouldn't, I'm not gay" I said and looked at the bracelets to.

"Technically Your half gay". George said standing up.  He was squated down looking at the bracelets.

"I'm bi, quit calling it half gay" I joked.

"But you are half gay" George joked and said. "And I think I found the perfect bracelet" I looked over and saw the lady talking to two guys. The one not talking  was kinda hot. He looked about my height and had dark brown hair.

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