He's just Annoying (highschool AU)

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Genre: Au & fluff
Word count: 2571
Status: Crushes (more one sided)
Warnings: slight bullying (just teasing)
Takes place: during high school.
*basically just Chris flirting and teasing Karl*
Chris- Juinor- 16
Karl- sophomore- 15
Jimmy- Junior- 16
Chandler- Junior- 16
Dream (clay)- sophomore- 15
George- Junior- 17
Sapnap (Nick) sophomore- 16
Quackity (Alex)sophomore- 15

Karl POV

I walked though the hallway, looking for my locker. The hallways kind of crowded but I don't really mind, I love being around people anyways. Well everyone except Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler. Those three are really popular and everyone loves them. I don't actually have much of a problem with Jimmy and Chandler but I do have one with Chris. He's always teasing or picking on me, sometimes he even tries flirting like he does with girls. It's not bad and he's never actually mean but it's just kind of annoying, especially since I've had a crush on him since last year. Don't ask me how because I honestly don't know. I get to my locker and open it to get my stuff for my class today until I hear a voice that has annoyed me everyday since I was 11.

"Hey loser, whatcha doing" Chris asked while leaning against the locker next to me. I sigh as I try to ignore him. "I know you talk and you know ignoring me won't work" he said as he walked to the other side of my locker.

"What do you want" I asked sounding unimpressed.

"Wow, that's the quickest I've ever gotten you to talk, dork" he said with an annoying smile as he rested his arm on the other locker, not being that far away from me, causing me to slightly blush. I was currently squatted down looking for my math book and homework since I'm not organized in the slightest.

"If you don't need anything, then go away" I said slightly annoyed as he shrugged.

"So if I need something, I can talk to you" he asked and petted the top of my head, causing me to blush more and get a little flustered.

"That's not what I said, Christopher" I said and shook my head a bit. "S-stop petting my head, I'm not a cat".

"But your cute and feisty like one" he said as I finally found my work.

"Stop the flirting, you know as well as I do that you don't mean it" I said and stood up. "So basically, stop being a jerk".

"Oh, I'm being a jerk, I hadn't noticed" he said in a slightly sarcastic tone and moved his other arm so I couldn't leave my locker. By now most kids had left to go to class or hang out somewhere that wasn't a back hallway. "And who said I don't mean it when I flirt with you cutie".

"You constantly pick on me and flirt with everyone" I said bluntly and he cupped my face with his hand.

"What if I just want your attention~" he flirted causing my face to now go red. "And I flirt with others just to get what I want, I constantly flirt with you even though I don't need anything". He gave me a knowing smirk before I heard a voice I was glad to here.

"Chris, leave him alone" Clay said walking over. Chris let go of my face and looked at Clay.

"Oh, sorry I was just having fun" Chris said in a mischievous tone before waking away. Before he did he looked back at me and said. "I'll see you in class, Nerd" I looked at him annoyed as he walked away.

"He's a jerk" Clay said once Chris left. I nodded.

"He is"I agreed and shut my locker. Then the Bell indicating school started went off. "And now I have to go to hell soon". Clay let out a small wheeze as we started walking.

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