Connected (soulmate AU)

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Genre: AU
Word count: 1950
Status: Crushes
Warnings: none.
Takes place: At Karl's house.
Karl- 18
Sapnap (Nick)- 17
Quackity (Alex)- 16
Chris- 23
Jimmy- 22
Chandler- 21

This is a red string of fate AU. I changed it slightly so I'll explain. The string appears on Saturday, between midnight to 1 am for anyone who is 18+ (as long as their parter is also 18+). The string can only be seen by the person and their soulmate and is only visible for an hour once a week. The string becomes brighter the closer you are to your soulmate and dimmer the farther away you are. There are only three ways for the string to go away; 1. Find your soulmate, confess, and kiss them   2. One or both people fall for other people instead and the sting connecting them either fades pink and disappears or black and then snaps. (If both people find a different love it goes pink, if one finds love but the other doesn't and wants their original soulmate it goes black)    3. After two years (if you both have the string), if you haven't found your soulmate the string will go black and snap, indicating your too late. After the first year you start 'dreaming' of what your lovers doing and occasionally here one of their thoughts.

Karl's POV (11:50 pm)

"Midnight needs to hurry up" I said laying on my bed. I turned 18 in 15 minutes and it would be on a Saturday night so my string would appear. I was exited to find out who my soulmate would be.

"What if there not 18 yet" Nick asked.

"A guy can hope" I joked. Nick and Alex were both under 18 so they wouldn't be getting a string.

"You think they'll be hot" Alex jokingly asked.

"I hope so" I answered back. Then Nick joked.

"What if their an old man" I shot up as him and Alex laughed.

"Then the strings breaking" I answered, pretending to be grossed out.

"You'll be dating old man Jenkins" Alex joked, nudging me. We continued joking around about who my 'soulmate' would be when I felt a slight pain on my finger. I looked down and...

"Oh my god I have the string" I said excitedly but quietly enough to where my parents wouldn't hear. They don't really like me getting the whole string thing because their picky on who I can talk to and sadly until I can afford to move out (I graduated not long ago) I'll have to deal with them and their pickiness.

"How bright is it" Alex asked.

"I don't know but it seems bright". I answered. Nick searched on his phone the levels of brightness and showed me the pictures. My eyes widened when I realized HOW bright it was.... "My soulmate should be near by". Alex immediately hopped up.

"Well let's go then amigos"

"What about his parents" Nick asked quietly.

"They won't know, and we have less then an hour unless you want to wait till next week" Alex answered quietly. I got up and opened my window. Luckily I live in a one floored house.

"Let's go, we'll be quick" I said holding in my excitement. Nick and Alex climbed out.

"So what direction" Nick asked. I looked and the string was going to the left.

"This way" I said excitedly as we started walking. I can't believe my string actually showed up.

Chris POV (12:45 am)

"Chris, dude, get up" Jimmy said shaking me awake. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, feeling something on my finger.

"Hmmm" I said tiredly. I had gone to bed two hours ago.

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