𝙸. 𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚜

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The year was 1960, nature had just started painting its leaves all sorts of colors, and the days were getting shorter and shorter. The courtyard of Vermont's all-boys boarding school was full of students in suits. New faces, old faces, parents saying goodbye to their kids, mothers checking if they brought everything neccessary.
Under the tree stood a tall burnette guy, checking the time on his watch, soon acompanied by another dark-haired young man. Two members of the secret Dead Poets Society - aspiring actor Neil Perry and the ladies man Charlie Dalton.
"You haven't changed much, you know?" Said Charlie with a charming smirk on his face, resting his elbow onto Neil's shoulder.
Neil quickly turned around as he wasn't expecting someone to just show up behind him. "Oh, Nuwanda! Haven't seen you in a while." He said in surprise, shaking Charlie's hand.
"Still rocking that green sweater, I see." Said Charlie, recieving a chuckle from Neil.
Their conversation was soon interrupted by a yell:"Neil! Charlie!" The boys' stares followed the familiar voice and they saw their favorite lovebird Knox Overstreet, walking up to them with his heavy suitcase in his hand.
"Where's Mrs. Overstreet?" Was the first thing Charlie had to ask. Knox and Chris have been dating since January, just a month after Chet broke up with her because he found out about their secret dates.
"Nice to see you too, Charlie. She's at school, obviously." Knox told Charlie, with a huge smile on his face. Boy, is he in love with her. He's been talking about her since the day they met and hasn't spent a day without talking about her since then.
"Where's the other half? Have you seen them?" Neil asked Knox and Charlie grunted:"Ugh, I swear Cameon's going to annoy me all the time, you guys are so lucky you don't have to deal with him anymore."
Neil just shrug:"I mean, it was his fault that we kicked him out of the group. Imagine if he'd tell on us."
Charlie wrinkled his nose, remembering what it was like in Mr. Nolan's office after he had published that school newspaper article:"You don't want to imagine that, trust me."
A tall boy then ran up to them, trying to catch his breath.
"Pittsie, is everything okay?" Knox asked, a bit weirded out and Gerard Pitts just shook his head, still unable to talk.
Charlie raised his eyebrow at the sight and Neil got worried and curious immediately:"Come on, Pitts, what is it?" Poor Pitts just nodded his head to the right, making the three other guys turn their heads in that direction. They didn't notice anything, so they all just looked at each other confused.
Meanwhile, the smarthead Steven Meeks has made his way to the group, but nobody noticed him until he kindly spoke up:"What he wanted to say is that there are two girls in the yard."
Neil didn't think much of it:"Maybe they're someone's sisters, just here for moral support."
Pitts, who was still supporting his upper body by his hands on his knees, looked up at them, shaking his head:"They're carrying suitcases." And Meeks pointed at him, nodding to the boys, approving his words.
Charlie turned around to take a look around the yard, opening his arms:"Well, where are my ladies?" Knox and Neil's eyes also started looking around for the new arrivals.
"One's right there!" Knox said pointing at the burnette girl with long hair and glasses, standing next to what they assumed are her parents.
"The other one is this way." Said Pitts and all the boys made a 180° turn to see a redhead with wavy hair and her mom, talking to Mr. Keating himself.
"Already sucking up to the professors." Charlie said, recieving non-satisfied faces from the other guys.
A cough was heard and when the boys turned around it was Mr. Perry, holding a serious expression:"Sorry for interrupting, boys. The ceremony is about to start, you should come inside."

Neil said goodbye, following his strict father into the chapel, where his mother was already saving their seats.
"Neil!" Someone whisper-yelled behind him. He checked to see who is it and noticed his shy roommate Todd Anderson waving at him, from two rows behind. He smiled at him, before turning back around. Todd used to be very quiet and completely frightened when it came to any social interaction. He's gotten more comfortable, even cracking some jokes from time to time.
When the chapel was filled with students and their parents, bagpipes were heard and a group of guys carried four banners to the front.
The newcomers had their candles lit up and when the music stopped, the headmaster Mr. Nolan spoke up:"Ladies and gentlemen, what are the four pillars?" A few looks were exchaned among the guys, confused at the slight change in the question.
The students then stood up and answered Mr. Nolan in sync:"Tradition. Honor. Discipline. Excellence." When they sat down, the headmaster started with his well-known speech, introducing Welton Academy.
Last year he finished the ceremony by introducing Mr. Keating, but this year he said:"As you all have probably noticed the slight change when I asked about the four pillars, it has probably sparked up some questions. Welton has been an all-boys boarding school since it was first established. After many meetings and debates with all of the school's employees, we have decided to try something new. In the next few years, many girls may join the school, but this year we have decided to just see if that idea is possible to be executed. Please welcome Mr. Keating's daughter Mrs. Vanessa Keating, and my beloved granddaughter Mrs. Linda Nolan. I expect you boys, to treat them with respect, otherwise there will be consequences." And at that last sentence, he quickly glanced at Charlie Dalton.
After the ceremony, parents walked their kids to the exit to greet Mr. Nolan at the door.

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