𝙸𝙸𝙸. 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝙾𝚗

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The bell rang and announced this year's first English lesson. The class sat down at their desks, Linda sitting in the second row in the middle and Vanessa sitting in the third row on the far right, taking seats of students who have failed the class.

"Welcome back boys and welcome girls." Mr. Keating greeted the class with a loving smile on his face.
"I hope you had the chance to meet some of your classmates, girls. Let me introduce you boys to Linda Nolan sitting next to Cameron, and my daughter Vanessa Keating sitting behind Sticks." He introduced them, causing Cameron to look at Linda with a smile which she kindly returned, provoking an unsatisfied expression from Charlie at the far back of the class.

"You two will soon get the chance to show us some of your poetry skills. I want every single one of you to write a poem until next week, I want to see if you have practiced throughout the summer. My daughter was attending an Art Academy back in London, so I know she's quite experienced when it comes to poetry." Keating explained and the class turned to Vanessa's direction, surprised by the fact that she flew all the way from the United Kingdom just to attend this school.
"And you Linda, what shool were you attending before joining us?" Mr. Keating was curious, as well as the rest of the class.
Linda smiled and proudly said:"I was attending an all-girls boarding school nearby, in New Hampshire. Poetry is not really my passion, I'm more of a History freak, but we did almost finish the entire Dr. J. Evans Pritchard's Understanding Poetry, so I know a few things."
The boys quietly chuckled at her last few words, remembering how their copies of the book are practically useless, even Vanessa knows her father's opinion about the Pritchard guy.
Mr. Keating smiled at her words and quietly assured her:"Let's just say that you won't need that book here." Keeping the details to himself, because he knows that the tradition-loving Mr. Nolan wouldn't be too happy about his way of teaching.

When the class was over, Vanessa and Linda left the classroom together.
"Your father is so cool, I love the atmosphere he creates in his class." Linda said, delighted after the first lesson.
Vanessa didn't expect to hear that from her:"Really? I thought you are leaning more towards the traditional type of things."
Linda shook her head:"I'm pretty flexible, it's nice to have a class where I can feel more relaxed from time to time."
"How was your previous school? Was it very strict?" Vanessa asked, assuming the lifestyle there is pretty similar to Welton's.
Linda widened her eyes:"You don't even know! The discipline was shoved into our faces all the time, we weren't really served anything on a silver spoon."
"I can imagine that. My school was a bit more easy-going, my father never forced me into anything, he always told me to choose my own path, he just helped me with some wise words, but in the end the decision was mine." Vanessa explained, but she wasn't that excited about it as one would think.

"Study group after showering!" Neil surprised them from behind and then continued running through the hallway, making both of them jump at the surprise.
"Guys, you really need to stop doing this!" Vanessa said as her heart was pounding harder than Charlie's bongos.
"Or we can have a study group during showering!" Charlie said as he ran by, following Neil.
Next one to run by was Meeks who just politely tried to explain:"Once again, I am so sorry."
The girls continued their way to the Latin classroom, but were stopped by a boy who was walking next to them:"Hey, don't think too highly of them. They are a bunch of jerks who don't have a clue about anything else other than causing trouble."
"Hey, you're Cameron, right?" Linda said, remembering him from the English class.
He politely shook her hand:"Richard Cameron. Look, I'm not going to force you two into anything, but if you really want to learn something, you should join my study group for maths."
"Thanks, the boys invited us for Latin and trigonometry tonight, but we will join you when we need some help with maths!" Linda smiled and the three of them walked to their next class together.

The other six guys exchanged some looks when they noticed the trio walk into the next class.
Todd tapped Meeks' shoulder and asked:"Since when are they friends with Cameron?"
Meeks just shrugged his shoulders in slight concern:"I didn't introduce them."
Todd sat back at his desk with worry in his eyes, because his intuition was telling him that nothing good can come out of this. He was staring in front of himself, his own thoughts making him nervous as always. He isn't that much of an attention seeker. He prefers to observe. And sometimes he sees much more than all the others do. He feels everything more intensely, he is simply just more sensitive than most of his peers.

"Why the sour face?" Neil asked Charlie who could kill Cameron with his stare at that moment.
Charlie looked at Neil and huffed back:"Nothing."
"Don't do anything you might regret later, okay?" Neil whispered, not wanting any broken bones.
Charlie bit the inside of his cheek, looking back at Cameron then whispering to himself:"Oh, trust me, it's on."

When the classes were over for that day, the students went to dinner and took a shower. The girls of course had the bathroom for themselves after the boys were done.
"You coming to the study group tonight?" Vanessa said while putting on her shirt.
Linda clicked her tongue:"Count me in. I really want to get to know those boys just to see what Cameron was talking about."
Vanessa nodded her head:"I was so confused at his words. Do you think they're some sort of rivals?"
"I don't think so, maybe it's just boys being boys, trying to prove that they can woo women better than others." Linda stated.
Vanesa bit her lip in slight worry:"I just don't want to get involved in drama, so I hope you're right."
"Don't worry about that yet. Hurry up, the boys are probably waiting for us." Linda said, putting on her glasses.

When they entered the study hall, Todd, Knox, Pitts, Meeks, Charlie and Neil were already sitting at the table with their books open. They waved them over, so they sat down between Todd and Pitts.
"Is everything okay? You two didn't ask for my help with showering." Charlie asked with fake concern.
Linda threw a pencil at him, smiling:"Shut up, Nuwanda."
Charlie didn't mind that and just kept his eyes on the girl while the corner of his lips curved into a smirk. The intense stare made Linda blush, so she looked down at her Latin notes. It's not the time to boost his ego yet.
"Okay, can we please begin now, we don't have much time." Meeks said slightly annoyed and he was the only one standing up, so that he could help them with their Latin homework.

After some studying and Meeks getting annoyed at the boys for not paying attention, the blonde guy Sticks stormed through the door, running over to the table where Cameron was sitting. After a few seconds Cameron raised his voice:"Linda, come here for a moment."
Knox sighed and quietly said:"Hic est diaboli..." (here comes the devil?)
"It's okay guys, I will be right back." Linda said and walked over to the other table to see what's going on.
Neil glanced at Todd who shared the same expression as him. Concern mixed with disbelief.
Cameron was explaining something in his notebook to Linda, but he was keeping an eye on the door. It looked almost as if he wasn't even listening to her.

Just moments later Mr. Nolan entered the room. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, how are the girls doing?"
He walked over to Linda and took a look at the notes in front of Cameron. "Ah, you're already helping each other, I knew you two would get along!" Mr. Nolan said proudly, to which Linda replied:"I'm explaining him something about Latin, Mr. McAllister gave us some homework."
When Charlie heard her words, he rolled his eyes, but of course he picked the wrong moment.
Mr. Nolan had just turned around to their table and saw his actions:"Mr. Dalton! I think you know where your behaviour is leading!"
"Yes, sir." Charlie said, immidiately breaking eye contact with him.
Vanessa looked at Neil in confusion and Neil just barely nodded back, making sure that Nolan doesn't see the secret communication.
"I just wanted to say that you two will soon get your own bathroom. We've also assigned you a seperate table in the cafeteria, because we know that boys can be very nosey!" Mr. Nolan kindly told the girls.
"And you, Vanessa? How's your first day?" Mr. Nolan came closer to their desk and Vanessa smiled:"So far, so great. We are also doing Latin right now."
Meeks slightly raised his hand to show Mr. Nolan that he's the one leading the studying, to which Nolan nodded with a smile.
"Well then I won't bother you too much. Remember, 15 minutes left then it's time to go to your rooms!" He said before leaving the room and the relief was felt in the air at that exact moment he closed the door.

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