𝙸𝚅. 𝙳𝚒𝚋𝚜

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When the students returned to their rooms, Vanessa and Linda got into their pyjamas.

"Why did Cameron call you over?" Vanessa asked, sitting down on her bed.

Linda shrug it off:"Oh, nothing. He just asked me something about the Latin homework. You know, the sentence that we all had trouble with."

"But don't you find it a little weird that he asked you and not the boys?" Vanessa said, lost in her thoughts.

Linda rolled her eyes:"Vanessa, I. Don't. Know. Like I said, they are fighting for our attention. Don't let it get to your head."

"I guess you're right. But we can agree about the tension between Charlie and your grandfather, right?" Vanessa said, not trying to rile her up.

Linda had to agree with that:"Okay, yeah. I noticed that. What was the thing about his behaviour?"

"I have no idea, has he never mentioned Charlie?" Vanessa was curious, still not being able to wrap her head around the fact that Nolan never told his granddaughter any tales.

Linda shook her head, looking at the floor to try and retrieve any possible memory of that:"No, I don't think he did. But I get it, I mean Charlie really can't shut up."

"He's always giving you that cocky smile." Vanessa teased her.

Linda looked up at Vanessa and blushed a bit:"Shut up! He thinks he's doing something there."

"Oh, please, don't tell me you don't like him at least a bit." Vanessa raised her eyebrow at Linda, who just shrug:"It's too early to tell. Plus, school is the priority, not chasing boys."

When the whole school was asleep, the Dead Poets were having a meeting in the cave. They were reading some poems and talking about their first day. Of course the newcomers had to be the main topic.

"I swear that Cameron is trying to make me jealous!" Charlie exclaimed, lighting his cigarette.

"I saw that too. But why would he pick Linda?" Neil agreed with him.

"Because she's Nolan's granddaughter, of course he wants to do some boot licking." Charlie said with an angry undertone.

Meeks looked at Pitts with a pipe in his mouth and told Charlie:"So, are you trying to do the same?"

"Of course not! I tell you, Nolan secretly adores me." Charlie proudly said looking around the cave.

Neil and Todd glanced and smiled at each other after hearing Charlie's nonsense words.
"What makes you think that?" Todd spoke up after a long time.

"Jesus, Todd. Can't you see it?" Charlie replied in between inhales.

The whole group looked at each other in confusion. Poor Todd just spoke up and was immidiately criticised. Whatever Charlie's talking about - no one can see it.

The silence caused Charlie to sigh and explain:"Remember the phone call to God? I was the one who gave him the idea of having girls at Welton. He secretly wanted that aswell, because he'd love to have some well behaved, peaceful girls, who wouldn't dare to talk back. So he rewarded my bravery with these two girls."

"I don't think that's how it really went..." Pitts said, laughing at his imagination.

Charlie didn't let that ruin his ego, instead he just added:"Anyways, I call the dibs on the beautiful Linda."

The rest seemed to agree, so Pitts looked at Neil:"Puck, you better hurry up before someone steals Vanessa!"

Neil just shrugged and tried to hold back his smile:"We shall see where this leads."

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