𝚅𝙸𝙸. 𝙷𝚊𝚊𝚊𝚊𝚖𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚎𝚝

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"Overstreet! Dalton! Nolan!" Old Mr. Hager shouts from downstairs hallway.
The three of them come down, all dressed up and ready to go to the cinema. They sit in the school's car and Mr. Hager drives them to a nearby theatre.
As they step out Knox thanks him for the drive:"Thank you. We'll be back by 5 p.m."
"This is where Neil had his first play." Charlie tells Linda, looking at the building in front of them.
Linda looked at the theatre and above the door there was a huge sign that read La Dolce Vita, 1 p.m. She asked him:"Really? What was his role?"
Charlie smiled at the memory of that:"Puck himself from the Midsummer Night's Dream. He was good. He was really good."
"Knoxie!" Chris' voice was heard as she ran into his arms, giving him a kiss. "I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you even more." Knox said with the biggest grin on his face
"You must be Linda! I'm Chris, Knox's girlfriend." Chris said and shook Linda's hand kindly.
Charlie was lacking attention, so he said:"What am I? Air?"
Chris giggled and rolled her eyes:"Nice to see you, Charlie. Finally gotten yourself a girl, huh?"
Linda had to interrupt before Charlie could say anything:"No, no, no! I am not his girlfriend, I'm just here to have a good time."
"We'll see what you have to say when the date is over." Charlie said, putting his arm around her waist.
Linda was getting really annoyed by his cockiness:"This. Is. Not. A. Date."

Meanwhile Cameron and Sticks were in the lounge room, playing a game of chess.
"We should get started on our music project soon." Sticks said, being Cameron's project partner.
Cameron moved a figure and said:"They've already borrowed all the good books. I really have no idea what we should do."
Sticks thought about what he saw a few days ago:"Charlie and Knox are doing the saxophone."
Cameron looked up from the chessboard:"How do you know that?"
"Charlie was standing on the table over there. He was being loud and saying how he'll play the saxophone in front of the class." Sticks said, without thinking too much about it.
A grin painted on Cameron's face:"Sticks. You're a genius."
Sticks still didn't look up from the chess board and apathetically said:"I am?"
"We will do the clarinet. I know some songs. We will put Nuwanda into his place. He won't be the only one showing the class his skills." Cameron said, adrenaline pumping through his body at the thought of showing Charlie who the boss is.
Sticks didn't respond much. He just moved his figure and stated:"Check mate."

"Todd! Todd, you're not going to believe this!" Yelling was heard from the dorm hallway, making students peek out of their rooms. Neil was more than excited. He was eager to share something with Todd.
Todd opened the door of their room and laughed at the sight of smiling Neil:"Neil, what are you doing? You look beyond thrilled! Is it another play?"
Neil pushed him into the room, closing the door behind them:"Yes! I've got the part!"
"Tell me more! Which play?" Todd said, feeling the boy's energy.
Neil jumped on his bed and looked down on him:"Watch this!"
He showed him his side profile, stretching out one of his hands, putting on a melancholic dreamy face.
"No way!" Todd joined his excitement.
Neil remained in his position as he said:"To be, or not to be... Yes way!"
"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!" Todd exclaimed, so Meeks and Pitts poked their heads through the door.
"What's all the yelling about?" Pitts asked, being just as curious as Meeks. They were quite surprised at the sight of Neil on the bed while Todd was smiling so widely for the first time in a while.
"Neil got the part!" Todd yelled and Pitts exclaimed back:"Hamlet?!"
Neil let the scream fill his lungs as he jumped down on the floor:"Hamleeeeeet!!!!"
He hugged Todd tightly and Pitts ran into their embrace the same moment.
Meeks closed the door and slowly walked over:"Just keep it a bit quieter." But when he noticed that no one was listening to him, he sighed and joined the group hug with a huge smile.
"Wait. What about your father?" Todd stopped them.
Neil didn't let that ruin the moment, he just carelessly said:"Screw my father! Carpe that fucking diem!"

"I gotta tell Vanessa!" Neil happily said and Meeks tapped his back:"Go go go go!"
But Todd of course wasn't feeling it anymore. The sudden excitement was gone in a second. Why did he celebrate with all of them and now has to do it seperately with Vanessa all over again. Why can't he do it with him again? Just like he used to do it all three times he's gotten a part in a play last year. It made Todd feel special - to be the only one who he shared that happiness with at that moment. But now Vanessa will get that chance.
Neil ran out of the room, storming down the hallway to find Vanessa alone in her room, studying chemistry.
"Neil, what's up?" She asked, looking at him standing at the door frame like he was about to explode.
"You will be able to see me act on stage soon!" He told her with stars in his eyes.
Vanessa's face lit up and she widely opened her eyes:"Seriously? That's amazing! What play?"
"Hamlet!" He exclaimed and she stood up from her chair, running into his embrace. He spun her around and put her back down after a solid 360 degree spin. When her feet touched the ground phisically, they were still up in the clouds mentally. They stared at each other for another moment before realizing it.
"So, when's the play?" Vanessa asked him, breaking the silence.
Neil shrug and sat on her desk:"I don't actually know. I was too excited to even check."
She smiled, adoring his passion for acting:"Idiot."

When the Dolce Vita movie ended, the four- I'm sorry - three lovebirds and Linda went for a drink.
"How are you enjoying Welton?" Chris asked Linda, having a sip of her hot chocolate.
Linda smiled:"Actually great! I'm used to the discipline already and having a girl by my side makes it easier among the chaotic boys!"
"Okay, you're definitely not Keating. Is Nolan your father?" Chris giggled.
Linda was surprised by her correct guess:"My grandfather actually. I'm not that old!"
"And how is the other girl doing?" Chris was curious, being happy that she finally has some female company among the boys.
Charlie invited himself into the conversation:"Vanessa looks like Meeks' sibling!"
Knox rolled his eyes:"Charlie not every ginger is Meeks!"
Everyone laughed at that and Chris added:"I really have to meet her one day!"
"Oh, I'm sure you will, we have plenty of weekends left." Charlie said.
After some silence, Knox spoke up:"Hey, we should probably leave soon. I told Mr. Hager that we'll be back by 5."

Chris decided to walk them to the school gate, holding Knox's hand.
Charlie and Linda were walking behind them and he looked at her, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Don't you dare." Linda said and Charlie just rolled his eyes, putting his hands into the pockets of his trousers, which is the last place he wants them to be.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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