chapter eleven

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It's been two weeks since I spent the night at Jennie's, and in the time since we've grown even closer, not to mention I've managed to construct the perfect plan to get rid of Mark once and for all.

It's currently Tuesday. I would do it Thursday. That's the night he worked late, and he was the only one who worked late. There were cameras in the parking lot, but I had figured out where the blind spot was and could very easily lure him there by playing the damsel in distress.

I would make it quick and clean, not the way I would prefer. If it was up to me, I would torture the hell out of him for even looking at Jennie, but this had to go perfectly, so I would sacrifice the pleasure of making him suffer for Jennie's sake.

I would have to leave the body there. I would be seen if I dragged it away. He deserved to be dismembered, but I hoped it would be some consolation to Jennie that she could bury him whole. Besides, if Mark was not confirmed to have been dead, she may hold out hope that he would come back, and that would put a stutter in my plans.

An unexpected call from Jennie pulls me from my plan. They don't surprise me anymore; she's made a habit of it.

"Hey, Jen."

"Hi, Lis. I was just calling because I made a huge pizza and there's no way I can finish it by myself," she says it quickly.

"You made an enormous pizza and want me to come over and help you eat it?"

"Yes?" She says, unsure.

She did it on purpose. She's just looking for an excuse to spend time with you.

I chuckle into the phone. "Okay, Jennie, I'm on my way to help to deal with this giant pizza."

"Yay! Hurry before it goes cold." She hangs up before I can respond.

I don't waste a single second in grabbing my keys and driving to Jennie's house. If Jennie wanted to spend time with me, then I sure as hell wasn't going to make her wait.

She opens the door with a huge smile on her face.

"You're here." She throws herself into me and hugs me tight.

"I said I was coming, didn't I?" I follow her into the kitchen, which looks surprisingly clean. Then I spot the pizza on the countertop. "Jennie, you said you made a pizza."

"Did I?" She questions innocently.

"Yes. And that is a regular-sized, takeaway pizza." I point to the pizza box. She looks at it and shrugs.

"I must have gotten confused."

"Or maybe," I step closer to her, "you just wanted me to come over."

She smiles shyly. "Okay, fine. I wanted you to come over. But I know we've been spending a lot of time together these last couple of weeks, and I didn't want you to think I was a clingy friend."

"Don't worry, I love clingy," I assure her with a smile.

She sighs in relief. "Good, because I am very clingy."

"Come, let's eat this normal pizza before it goes cold." I grab the pizza box and her hand, taking them both into the dining room.

We sit on the floor and eat whilst Jennie puts Netflix on. Jennie's immersed in the show whilst I'm immersed in her. God, she is so beautiful. Just so perfect and innocent.

She's not yours yet.

She will be soon.

You're gonna kill her boyfriend.

Fuck yeah, I am.

She'll be upset.

I'll make it better.

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