chapter twenty-four

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When my eyes open next, I'm no longer cuffed to the table in Lisa's basement. It's brighter, but my vision is blurry and my head is splitting, so I can't quite figure out where I am exactly.

It feels familiar, but I just feel so far away.

I groan slightly and my body twitches, and that's when I feel it. A violent, searing pain that shoots up to the top of my scalp and down to the tip of my toes.

"Owww," I cry out and try to move my body but before I can shift an inch, I feel big hands on my shoulders holding me down, effortlessly cutting off any movement. And then I realise that I'm pressed down against a bed, my face towards a window, away from who I assumed was Lisa on the other side of me.

'You're awake."

"Is it supposed to hurt this much?"

She doesn't answer right away. "I may have held the iron on for longer than I should have."

"Lisa!" I whine her name. "You said you knew what you were doing."

"Relax. It's healing nicely. Besides, I was punishing you. I still am."

My heart stops. I really didn't think I could take any more.

"Aren't you done?" I don't even bother trying to hide the pleading in my tone. Maybe she would take pity. She had been so hot and cold. Maybe I was catching her in one of her better moods.

"Just one more thing. The final boom in my hattrick."

"You're not counting the spanking?"

"Of course not. That was child's play. That's Christmas compared to the other three things."

Well, she was right about it being better than the first two things so I didn't doubt the last would be just as bad. Worse, actually, since she said it would be the 'final boom'. But what could be worse than her burning almost three layers of my skin off? I sure as hell didn't want to find out.

But I had made it through the first two. I could make it through this one, then it would all be over. Everything could go back to normal and Lisa would be nice to me again.

"Do I get to know what it is this time?"

I feel her shift and then her weight moves off the bed. I keep my body still as she walks around to me. and blocks my view of the window. I'm not sure how long I had been out, but I had missed her face.

"You're going to know. Very soon." She gets up again, the bright light hitting me back in the face. "Have you realised where we are yet?"

I squint my eyes but it's no use; the sunlight is blinding. "No, I can't see. The sun's in my face," I explain and she nods, letting out a little "ah" sound, before turning around and closing the blinds. I blink and realise it straight away. I was in my room. Not Lisa's bedroom. Mine. Which meant I was in my own house. "Why are we here?" I ask immediately.

"This is where your punishment will conclude. Are you ready for it?"

I pout my lips and shake my head.

"You don't want it to be over?"

"I want a little break."

"You've been out for 36 hours-- Well, actually," she quickly catches herself, "you woke up a few hours after you initially passed out, you know, when the pain was too much, but I put you back to sleep. That's why I did it, so you could have a little break. That's when I got the idea to bring you here."

"36 hours? No wonder my mouth is so dry."

"I'll get you some water. Don't move." She leaves the room and I do as she says. It's not long before she returns.

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