chapter twenty-one

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Lisa's already awake when I open my eyes. I'm laying on her chest and she's looking down at me. Fear overcomes me for a brief few seconds before remembering that she's completely tied up and can't hurt me.

"It seems we have a lot more in common than I first thought, right, Jennie?"

"That's right," I whisper, trying to push my head even further into her chest because her gaze is burning a hole in me.

"What exactly are you planning on doing to me, Jennie?" Her voice is giving me chills. I have never been so scared of her. More scared than when I realised that she was a killer, more than when she tried to kill my best friend, and more than both the times I feared she might rape me.

This woman, who was completely tied up, and could not physically do me any harm right now, chilled me to the bone.

It's funny. Despite knowing everything about what type of person Lisa was, I had never truly feared her. Sure, she scared me sometimes, especially when her face went blank and she got that dark look in her eye. Somehow I just knew she would never hurt me, and it didn't really matter if she hurt other people, so long as she was happy.

Now I'm terrified because of what she might do to me, but I stay because I still want her to be happy. I could never leave her anyway.

"Just let me explain." I try not to stutter, but my voice still shakes.

"It's not as if I can stop you," she says nonchalantly

"How much do you know?" I ask first. I planned on telling her the full truth either way.

"I went over to your house and found two prizes in the basement."

I sit up whilst she has no option but to lay and look up at me.

"What did she tell you?" I knew she would have freed Jisoo, who would have told her everything.

"She told me the truth about you, Jennie. She told me everything."

"Is it that bad, really?" I ask nervously. "I mean, we're the same. You lied to me too."

"But you knew. This entire time you knew."

"But you didn't know that! You thought I didn't know. What I did was nowhere near as bad as what you did!" I defend myself rightfully, but she's shaking her head. "You tried to kill Rosie, my best friend. You were planning on killing Mark, someone you thought I cared about, but instead, I did it for you. I never did anything but help you."

"You're overestimating how much I care, Jennie. You lied to me. You're not the person I thought you were, so you mean nothing to me."

"That's not true! You love me!"

"I don't love you. I love a Jennie who doesn't exist. I love a Jennie that, in my eyes, you killed."

"I can be her again! I can be anyone you want me to be and we can pretend this never happened!"

She laughs at me. "Come one, Jennie. You're smart. There's a reason you kept the real you a secret and why you worked so hard to keep me from finding out. I could never look past this. Although, I do have to commend you. You pulled off a flawless performance."

"How did you find out?"

"You had blood on your shoes. Did you know? I noticed when I went downstairs to get some water. I figured you'd need it after crying all the fluid out of your body. I was just being an attentive girlfriend. I drove straight to your house after that. I broke in. There was blood on your floor, right in front of the door that goes down to your basement. Even then, I didn't fully suspect you. I thought there must be some reasonable explanation. Imagine my surprise when I went downstairs and saw two women tied up."

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