chapter sixteen

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Lisa raises her eyebrows with a suggestive smirk when I tell her I want to get drunk with her later that evening, her hands on my back travelling south whilst I'm sitting on her lap facing her.

"You don't need to get me drunk to take what you want from me, Jennie." She rocks my hips forward.

Oh, but unfortunately I do, Lisa.

I can't fake a blush, but I look down shyly and cover my face. I hear her chuckle, and then I look back at her and gently shove her shoulders.

"That's not funny, Lisa."

"It was a little," she defends with a grin.

"I haven't drank in a while, and I want to do it with you," I say softly and still a little timid.

"I don't know if we should, Jennie."

"Why not? It's the weekend, and I want to have fun with my girlfriend."

Her face changes in an instant. I know what I said. Unlike her, I never let anything slip.


"Yes. I mean..." I avert my eyes down and play with the collar of her shirt. "If you want to be?"

A huge grin etches onto her face. "Of course I want to. And yes, I will get drunk with you." She stands up with me still in her hands, the movement throws me upwards a little and I squeal. "Because we are celebrating."

"Great, because I came prepared." I peck her lips and slip out of her grip to grab the alcohol from my bag.

"Were you planning on asking me to be your girlfriend?" She asks, watching me return.

"Well..." I pause as if I'm thinking. "I already kind of considered you as my girlfriend, and I guess it just slipped out." I pour us both a shot, handing hers over and downing mine.

She's watching me. She's happy, I can tell. Hopefully happy enough to spill her deepest secrets to me.

Her eyes linger for a second more before she drinks her shot. Perfect. She was a lightweight, I already knew this, but my intentions were to get her completely smashed, so she wouldn't remember how important her walls were, and so she would let the mask slip, but when morning came, she wouldn't even know what she had done.

An hour later, and it's definitely working. With each drink, Lisa's will to resist was slipping further and further away. She was so adorable when she was vulnerable. I wish she acted like this more often when she was sober. She did sometimes, but for the most part, she seemed to stick to a more maternal role, as if I was the fragile one. Poor girl didn't realise it was her who needed me to take care of her.

She's drunk enough now to confess her love to me over and over and tell me she would do anything for me. It was at this point last time that she passed out. I couldn't have that, so I kept giving her drinks but at fixed intervals. Enough to keep getting her drunk, but not to let her sober up.

The last time I got her drunk, I slipped a little. Just a tiny bit. I asked her about her mum, but her mind was still clear enough to resist me. I had pulled it back very easily that time. This time I was going to find out the root of her issues. How such a beautiful angel had such a terrible dark side. Something happened to her. She didn't turn evil off her own accord.

"My mum's dead, Lisa," I start, just testing if she's drunk enough.

"Mine too." She hiccups and then giggles, laying on the sofa, facing the ceiling. "She is dead, dead, deaddidy dead."

Okay, definitely drunk enough.

"That's sad."

"No, it's not," she quickly says, trying to get to her feet but instead, she rolls and hits the floor. I lift my head to see if she's okay and she jumps back on the sofa, sitting up this time and peering over me.

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