Chapter 1: it's super easy to know when your bro has something wrong with him

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Doing a quick plug before this starts-

~Icy? Or Hot? (TDBK)


~So Good (TDBK)

~Cry a little to be fine (TDBK)

~Studying You (TDBK)

~Higher Bid (TDBK)

~Your voice feels beautiful (TDBK)

~Popcorn (KuroKen)

Also I'll just mention that the dorms are gonna be a little bit altered in this. All the students will be in trios, except Aoyama and Mineta as a duo (R.I.P sparkly king, your sacrifice is appreciated 😌)

This is also gonna be one of the more crack-y fics I've done. Comedy will be a main part of this, so I hope I'm funny-

Eijiro Kirishima

"Bro! You wanna come over later? Me and Kami are doing a smash bros tournament, you can join if you want!"

"Shut up Shit Hair, you know I don't like that idiot!"

"Bro! He's my friend!"

"Exactly. Your friend! Not mine! Now piss off, I'm busy!"

"'re making coffee"


"Ok, ok, sheesh" I said, backing away from my hot-headed friend. He was particularly grouchy in the mornings, and so I had learned to just let him be. I wasn't really sure how his roommates handled it to be honest. Then again, Tokoyami didn't seem like the type to take shit from anyone, and Todoroki kept to himself, so on second thought there wouldn't be much of an issue. My own roommates, Kaminari and Sero, were a lot louder than any other student in the dorm, including the resident hot-head. Kami would often come running into our communal living room in just his underwear screaming about a spider in his room, and it wasn't uncommon to find Sero passed out in various rooms, positions, and levels of decency. Either way though, they were my bros, so I didn't mind.

The story of how I came to be friends with them is a weird one. Of course, we were roommates, but they actually each arrived the day before me, and were already settled in by the time I arrived. And by settled in, I mean that I'd walked into Kami's bedroom and found Sero covering it in sticky notes. After a brief and slightly concerned introduction, I found myself in Sero's room, talking to Kaminari while he fed Sero's AC/DC shirt through a paper shredder. I had quickly gathered the both of them together, sat them down onto the large living room couch, and said, in these exact words, "what the fuck is going on here?"

They had both sheepishly looked at each other before play fighting like idiots, completely ignoring my question, so I'd just left to it, rolling my eyes as I heard Kami's hipbone connect with the tiled floor. I emerged from my bedroom just in time to see Sero deliver an elbow drop from the top rope (or couch, as a normal person might say), and Kaminari rolled about in agony. Although, I saw him beginning to giggle as I stood there, and soon the act was up. They stood there laughing like hyenas as I sighed, cracking a smile at their goofiness. I knew then that we'd end up being friends, and I was absolutely right.

Bakugo has been a bit of a different story though. I'd been sat next to him in class, and had constantly pestered him until I finally broke through that frosty exterior of his. Why exactly I'd wanted to I wasn't too sure of, but I felt a strange draw to him, like I constantly wanted him present. He was a strange, unapproachable character, but that to me was more of a challenge that a drawback, and I thought I'd done pretty damn well so far.

The only thing left to do was to get him to come to one of mine and Kami's game nights. Every Monday night, we'd stay up until midnight playing a different game every week, competing to see who would win our long-running battle. Sero had classes on a Tuesday, so couldn't participate, but both of us were free, so couldn't help but to have a little fun. Bakugo had yet to show up to one of these nights, but I was determined to convince him to join us one of these days, but for now it would just be me and my other blond friend.

I was confident about winning tonight. Kami absolutely stank at smash bros, so I knew I'd be able to K/O him with little difficulty. I had no classes on a Monday morning, so decided to go and hang out with Bakugo while his roommates were out. I didn't ever knock as I entered his room, and he'd stopped calling me out on it, just accepting that I'd never remember to.

"What do you want, Shit Hair! I'm busy!"

"'re drinking coffee, Bakugo"


"Yeah ok. I wanna hang out, that ok?"

"Do what you want. We've got fucking stuff to catch up on before Wednesday"

"Do we...?"

"Yes, idiot! Now go get your stuff!"

"Awww man! I don't want a study date, I wanna hang out!"

"Well tough shit, I don't do fun. Now hurry your ass up!"


After a long and gruelling study session with the most strict tutor in the history of strict tutors, I collapsed uninvited onto Katsuki's bed, earning me a "who the fuck do you think you are, dumbass?!" look.

"Hey, think about it"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"I must be the first person to ever get in your bed~"

"You little fucker!"

"What?! Bro, I'll cry if you have a secret girlfriend!"

He smacked me with a textbook, and I laughed, my joke obviously landing. Bakugo kicked me out of his room not long after, and I went back into my own across the hall, the door unlocked, meaning someone was in. As I entered, I found Kaminari dashing about in his underwear for the second time this week, shrieking as I entered. I sighed, grabbing a tea towel and saying:

"Right, where is it?"

Already low-key loving this fic

Fact of the Day: story time. So, despite what you may have seen from my account, KRBK is actually what compelled me onto Wattpad in the first place, and makes up the majority of what I read.

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