Chapter 6: you can keep dreaming on the stars above~

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CW // brief mentions of fingering oneself, some slightly steamy stuff.

MOSTLY CUTE THOUGH, if you can believe it!

Katsuki Bakugo

All of Friday was filled with....anticipation. And by anticipation, I mean surprise boners every time I remembered what would be happening tonight. Each glance I took at the redhead had me picturing him naked, muscular arms bulging as he pounded his cock with his hand aggressively. It was just too much for my gay little brain to handle, and I was damn near tempted to call off tonight, anxious about what might happen.

But at the same time...I wanted something to happen. I wanted him to say "Katsuki, I want you". I wanted him to break my goddamn back with his dick. Which is why, an hour before we we're scheduled to meet in his room, I was sat pathetically on the bathroom floor, three fingers up my ass and a tired look on my face. I'd made sure to wash myself out thoroughly, just in case. Whether it came to anything or not, it settled my mind to know I'd be ready.

I made sure once I was in his dorm that I knocked loudly on his bedroom door, and the muffled "come in!" told me he was decent. That was a lie. He was strewn on his bed with a laptop near his feet, wearing only bright red underwear. He patted the bed beside him, my face turning the same colour as those boxers, and I threw all but my own boxers to join him there in the bed, dignity being tossed away with my clothes.

"I, uh, didn't know exactly what you'd wanna watch so I lined up three I've seen before. I know their good, so...."

"Christ, ya fucking horn dog! Alright, lemme look at them then"

I reached out for the laptop, seeing that he'd defaulted it on straight stuff. Of course he had. Checking the tabs at the top, I clicked on the leftmost one, being greeted by lesbian stuff this time. I clicked off that maybe too quickly, checking the final link. Now this was more like it. Two dudes, lots of muscles, big cocks. Pretty much heaven if you asked me. I passed the laptop back over to him, not meeting his eyes


Hold the fucking phone

What had he said? "Three I've seen before?"

Does that mean...?

He wouldn't just watch gay porn if he wasn't..right?

Is he bi then? Something else?

"Oh! Good choice bro! There's a buuuunch of different positions these guys do, they're sick!"

"....didn't know you were into that kinda stuff"

"Same goes to you bro! No judgement of course! I guess by how quickly the girls went that you're gay then?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Bi. That's why I've seen all of them..." he said with a chuckle, before leaning down and pressing play on the video. As the men on screen started acting terribly, he reached his other hand down to casually palm at his boxers as if I wasn't even fucking there, and before we went any further, I just stopped the video and turned to face him.

"...uuhhhh, something wrong bro?"

"Can...can we just cut the bullshit and kiss?"

".....yeah, I'd like that"

He both leaned forward in conjunction, lips pressing softly against each other. I'd expected his to be dry and gristly, reflecting his muscly physique, but they were soft and plump, not unlike my own. Our lips smacked against each other for a while, sloppy and totally disengaged from reality. The laptop lay abandoned, a funny pause of a porn actor's shocked face as his "step-bro" bent down seductively to pick something up in front of him. But that mattered not right now. All we had concerns for was each other's bodies. I felt a hand rubbing at my side, snaking it's way along right to the rim of my boxers. I moaned into his mouth as he pressed a hand beneath, rubbing my bare hip and the side of my asscheek. He slipped his lips from mine and whispered in my ear.

"I've wanted your ass since the day we met, Katsuki~"

The words caused a rather large twitch in my dick, which by this point was flush against his side. He laughed, before circling his hand around my ass cheek, squeezing every now and then.

"I've wanted you too idiot. Fucking hell I wanted you so much~!"

"Well you've got me Katsuki. Whenever you want me, I'll be there~"

"Mmmm~" I let out, nuzzling my head into his bare collarbone. Most of the sexual tension has dissipated, his hand fleeing my boxers and both of our raging erections calming down slowly, but I don't think either of us cared. We just cuddled together, the porn quickly turning to some movie he'd mentioned wanting to see a while ago. I looked up at him, and noticed for the first time that he was wearing the chain I bought him. I reached up to admire it, and he said "best present ever"

"Shut up, just 'cause I bought it!"

"Exactly! That's why it's the best!"

"Well I'll get you something better! Just you watch!"

"Alright Katsuki, it's not a competition"

"........what are we?"

"Hm? What do you want to be..?"

"....I'm not sure"

"Well....I wanna be your friend...and I also wanna be your boyfriend. Does that help?"

"...kinda. I'd..I'd like to be your boyfriend."

"Cool! Bro, wait until I tell my mother about this! She loves you!"

"One, don't call me bro. I'm your boyfriend now Eijiro. And two, your mother only likes me because I pretended to be nice when I met her."

"Yeah, well just..keep doing that!"

"You misunderstood. I used up my monthly allowance being nice to people when I bought your present and helped the rocker chick tune her guitars"

"You play guitar?!"

"Used to."

"Br-Katsuki, that's sooo cool!"

"Yeah, I guess it is. I'd be as good as you if I tried it now though."

"Yikes. That rusty?"

"It's been years. Besides, I don't want to anymore. I've got other things I care about"



He pouted at me like a kicked puppy, and I sighed, and humoured him.

"Guess you're ok too"

Can't lie to you, I decided to bail on them having sex so that I can make this fic longer-

Fact of the Day: Bakugo has a pretty low monthly allowance of niceness

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