Chapter 5: it's cool, since we're *bros*. If we were iust *friends* I'd worry

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Eijiro Kirishima

After my much delayed and surprisingly eventful shower, I slumped down onto my bed, my still damp back sure to leave a me-shaped mark. I'd genuinely nearly died when Bakugo had opened the door, his sudden intrusion into my private space unexpected. It...really wasn't much of a bother though. Sure, I was a little embarrassed when he started staring at my dick, but I wasn't even sure he knew he was doing it, so brushed it off.

It'd taken all my courage to drop the towel and continue what I was doing when he'd interrupted me. I think the heat of the moment (and the room) might've gotten to me, and the horror on his face immediately told me I'd fucked up. Still though, I'd committed to it, and that was something to be proud of at least.

"Shit....I'd better go apologise later.." I muttered to myself, making note to visit him once I knew he was back from class. It was only when I really considered the situation when a thought I'd never had before crossed my mind: he gay?

Of course, it didn't matter whether he was, not one bit! Being a (mostly closeted) bisexual myself, I held no judgements whatsoever. It was only my mother that knew so far, and she'd been fully supportive, but had agreed with me that I should keep it quiet, only telling people I really trust. Maybe...maybe I should tell Bakugo then? See how he reacts? No, no, not yet. Not quite ready for that yet.

The main reason I was questioning his sexuality was obvious. He stared at my dick. Like, stared at it. Infatuated, lovestruck, in awe of it. It might've been the heat of the room, but his face was like a plum tomato, and he seemed pretty damn gutted when I'd wrapped the towel around my waist. Huh...maybe I should start dropping hints then...?

Truth is, I've never actually been with a guy before. Couple of girls, but neither of them really cared for me, so I let them go. But if I was to be with a guy, well, Bakugo was obviously my first choice. He was smart, sexy, funny...maybe not nice but...endearing?

So it was there, lying on my bed shirtless with the chain saying "himbo rights" that he'd bought for me around my neck, that I came to the startling realisation;

Holy fuck, I've got a crush on him!

If that wasn't enough, the idea that I'd just been naked around him made it even harder to handle. Plus, he'd goddamn complimented my dick. Katsuki Bakugo doesn't do compliments, but apparently my dick is an exception? I mean, if all it takes for him to be nice is for me to show him my dick, life could get a whole lot easier! He'd just have to get used to me being around!

Hey...maybe we can do some "bro" things together...? Y'know, load up some porn or whatever and have a little fun! It wasn't unheard of, and it could certainly open the door for some interesting conversations. Yeah, maybe that was something I can try get him to do one day. Not tonight when I see him, I didn't feel like jerking off twice in a day. I wasn't that desperate to wreck his ass...

...ok, maybe I just got a little more desperate to wreck his ass after thinking that. But who could blame me, really? He had more back there than a number of the girls here, and it genuinely felt like his pants might tear when he bent over. It'd been a while since he'd dropped anything in my presence, but I had always crudely looked forward to watching him bend to pick it up. In the moments after, I'd always had a surging thought of "daaaaaaaamn!" which I'd suppressed and boxed away as nothing serious.

Holy fuck, I've had a crush on him for a while!

I spent the next three hours being an absolute disaster, styling my hair up excessively for my trip over to explain myself. I'd have to tell him exactly why I felt unwell, and he'd likely scold me for that, but at least I'd be able to clarify my state. Sighing deeply, I steeled my resolve and opened the door to his dorm. Nodding acknowledgement towards Todoroki and Tokoyami, who were in the kitchen doing...god knows what, actually, and confidently strided towards my bro's room...

"Jesus fucking-GOD WOULD YOU KNOCK, IDIOT!!!"

...and saw him hastily adjusting his pants, buckling his jeans as he pulled them up, and scowling at me.

"Oh, sorry bro. Didn't realise you were changing!"

His eyes narrowed, almost as if he...wasn't changing. The thought of him having his lower half exposed for anything else immediately had my face blushed red, and he must've noticed, since he frowned, a curious look washing over his own flustered face.

"It''s fucking fine, you didn't see anything. I heard ya coming in and rushed...changing. We need to start fucking knocking on doors, ok?"

This was where I saw fit to try and put my plan into action. I wanted to try and probe a response from him that expressly told me he was interested in guys, so decided a little teasing might be best.

"I dunno man. You've seen my dick, it's only fair I get to walk in on yours some day!"

"Are you high? There's no way I'm gonna agree to you sneaking up on me naked!"

"Well why don't we just get it out of the way then!? Then we've got nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"...if you weren't such an idiot, I'd think you were joking."

"I'm serious! Why not just...ya know, spend a bit of...time together and clear the air!"

"...are you inviting me to a wank party?"

"...more like a bro-to-bro bonding session, but pretty much, yeah"

"...that sounds so stupid"

"Maybe, but I feel awkward since you've seen my dick and I've not seen yours!"

"How is you seeing my dick going to make it less awkward?!"


Katsuki Bakugo


"I DON'T KNOW!! JUST...please?"

Aw shit, I'm done for. He's doing the cutesy eyes while asking me to wank with him. Oh my god this idiot is the worst. I can't say no. It's illegal. Signed, sealed, sorted.

"....fucking whatever, but if you touch me-"


"Just....get out. Tomorrow night, your room. The idiots will go out on Friday, they always do. Say...7pm? And find some good fucking porn, I ain't getting off to your goddamn plain as hell walls"

"Of course bro! Only the best for you!"

"Right, out. I'm busy"

The idiot swiftly left, and I had to bite my hand to stop myself screaming. How the fuck am I gonna concentrate on the porn when my crush's dick is like a foot away from mine?! And perhaps the more pressing issue - jacking off to straight porn. Sure, I knew there'd be at least one dick, but there's also be a hell of a distraction in the form of a woman. I didn't have time for tits, I wanted cock-s.

It took what little self-control I had to stop myself stripping right now and shoving my fingers so far up my ass they went numb, but I somehow managed it. And a good thing for it too, seeing as not a minute after Kirishima had left, the stupid dual-haired loser charged into my room, invited himself onto my bed, and spoke teasingly, saying:

"I knew you were gay!"

Bro-to-bro bonding sessions sound manly as hell

Fact of the Day: I can confirm that Kirishima might grab Bakugo's dick.

KNOCK, IDIOT!!! ~KiriBaku~Where stories live. Discover now