Chapter 10: i still hate that fucking blond-haired loser, maybe even more now!

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Katsuki Bakugo

"Oi, Ei? What time do you want me there?"

"Oh, uhhh...we usually start around 6, so if then is alright with you..? And Kami said he was bringing a friend, so don't scare the poor guy off, ok?"

"Fine. Be ready to get your ass kicked though!"

"Heh, we'll see"

Scowling playfully, I shut the door on the idiot's gorgeous face, solitary for the first time in a while. Both the losers that I lived with were out, probably committing some form of unspecified felony. Anyways, that left me alone in the dorm, preparing a simple ready-meal in preparation for the night of shenanigans that no doubt awaited me. Possibly in two senses of the word...

Sure, game night might be tolerable, but it was the possibilities of what came after that really excited me. I had every intention of trying to progress my relationship with Eijiro, casting away his doubts about my commitment to him. Even if it was subtle, I wanted him to know that I truly cared for him.

His words from last night weighed like an anchor around me, dragging me down onto the floor until I had nothing left at all. They left me feeling hollow and unworthy, and I wanted nothing more than to prove him wrong. Prove those feelings wrong. Prove myself wrong.

I knew he loved me, that wasn't so much the issue. It was more that he didn't know I loved him that stung. It was all due to my masked anxiety that he was feeling neglected, a sole performer trying to sing both sides of a duet. I wanted nothing more than to harmonise with him, and was willing to metaphorically swallow that rock hard pill in order to do so.

Which is why, knocking angrily on the door to the trio's dorm, I was happy to be greeted by his joyful face. Unfortunately though, it was soon replaced by a face I wasn't so fond of. A face belonging to Kaminari, Ei's idiotic best friend that had a penchant for pissing me off. Hell, even Deku isn't that bad compared to this prick!

What I hadn't expected was for a strange-looking, purple-haired guy to appear behind him. Oh god, another freak...?

"Hitoshi Shinso" he said, extending a hand. I grumbled "Bakugo" to him, and his hand retreated, put off by my tone. Kaminari giggled at that, and he neeeearly got chocked, but Eijiro spoke, which distracted me from my bloodlust.

"Be nice, Katsuki"

"Woah, you guys are first names now, huh?" Kaminari said with a little too much excitement, and once again I was stopped in my murderous tracks by Ei.

"Yup! His idea, I'll have you know"

"Awww, I knew you were a softy, Bakugo~"

"Shut the fuck up, loser. Get ready to get destroyed, I'm a smash pro!"

"Hey, come on now, let's settle this" the purple haired guy (shaiso? Shio?) said, and I made my way over to the pre-assembled pillow fort in the room, sat just next to Eijiro. He leaned in and whispered "no matter what happens here, I'm gonna be the one smashing you, got that~?"

"Bring it on big boy~" I whispered back, and he chuckled at my acceptance of his challenge. Kaminari set about loading up the game, before tossing us all remotes and settling back down, suspiciously close to Shit-so. I leaned into Ei once again and whispered "your disgusting friend has a crush on that weirdo"

"Look at you detective Katsuki, stating the obvious once again!"

"Shut up, I've been here less than five minutes!"

"Kami went redder than my hair when he got here, you should've seen it!"

"Nah, that would mean looking at him"


"Huh? Cat? Where?" The blond said, frantically searching for the nonexistent feline. His psychotic crush also had a hopeful expression, but that turned rather sour after Eijiro explained the misunderstanding.

We finally managed to pick our characters, and everything went as expected. Myself as Bowser, Ei as Wii Fit Trainer, Kaminari as Samus, and Shit-so picking the ultimate wildcard - Princess motherfucking Peach.

Once the settings were altered to our collective preferences, we struck up the deal to do three rounds. Once on a map of mine and Ei's choice, once for the other two's pick, and then one we all agreed on. After some deliberation, Ei and I decided we wanted the Pokémon battle arena. That round lasted quite disgustingly short, with Ei defeating me in a close fought final battle. Shit-so had lost two of his three lives just by jumping off, and if I wasn't such an asshole, I might feel bad for the kid, who was obviously just here to please Kaminari.

Ei had made the mistake of taunting me, and so, on Norfair, I enacted my revenge, taking a flawless victory without even losing a life. Shit-so had managed to outlast Kaminari this time, which was something, but hadn't quite gotten his head around the fact that the large tidal wave of lava...did damage.

Which led us to the final battle. We (after an extensive debate) all settled on arguably the greatest map of all time: Jungle Japes. Shit-so very quickly ceded defeat, overwhelmed by the moving river that could turn games on their heads. Kaminari was next, putting up a feeble fight against me.

"I swear I'm normally better than this!" he whined to his little crush, and while in a heated war with Eijiro, I shouted "god, watching you two flirt is like watching a blind man and a deaf man communicate! Just fucking get on with it!"

"Calm down Katsuki, you're losing focus. We've both got one life left, let's give it everything!"

"Ha! You're so fucked it's unbelievable!"

Suddenly, and with little warning, a cutscene played, and horror struck me. I hadn't realised that he possessed a special move, and hadn't been able to dodge it. I grit my teeth as his trainer cloned itself, said fakes pushing Bowser off the stage with a feeble growl (from me, not Bowser). Ei whooped triumphantly, before whispering "who's fucked now~?"


I stayed silent, bitter in defeat, as Eijiro absentmindedly walked us to his bedroom. I hadn't even realised it'd been about four hours since I got there, and we crashed into his bed together.

Heh...Both his beds in one day...

Next chapter might get a little 🌶

Fact of the Day: like I said, Wii Fit Trainer is OP.

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