Chapter 8: the very basis of a functional relationship is hugs

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Eijiro Kirishima

"Well, that food was absolutely delicious! Thank you so much for having me!"

"It's been our pleasure Mitsuki. Lovely to meet you!"

"Bye! Behave yourself Katsuki!"

"HEY-ugh, whatever!"

Mitsuki left the house with about as much gusto as she had entered with, perhaps the influence of the now empty wine bottle in the centre of the table. She had thought Katsuki would be going with her, but he had refused, making the case that he wanted to be at the dorm so he wasn't "caught out" in the morning. Of course, this was a complete lie. Katsuki would love any excuse to not go to class, so I found myself wondering why exactly he hadn't gone with her.

After a few more interrogatory questions from my parents, Katsuki and I retired to my room, and I immediately broached what was on my mind with him.

"Katsuki...why did you stay?"

"Huh....?" He turned, looking genuinely shocked at my question. "...because I wanted to spend more time with you not want me here or something?"

"No no no no no that's not it-"

"Then what is it, Ei?"

"It's haven't really been spending time with me all that much, so I expected you to go, that's all..."

"First of all, don't expect anything from me. That's not how it goes. Second...why the fuck would me wanting to spend time with my boyfriend surprise you?"

"But you haven't been doing that! That's why!"

"Ei, you know why-"

"I know that I know. And I know that it's fine because you know I know, y'know? I just...I'm sorry Katsuki, it's a lot to ask, but...I can't keep going on like this. So what if they know?!"

"..............ok, you win" he said, cuddling up to my shoulder on the bed. He relented surprisingly easily, and I accepted the affection move from him. It wasn't long before he stood and plundered my manga shelf, searching for something that caught his eye. He picked up some old thing about superheroes and threw it onto me. I opened it on the first page, feeling him resume his position back on my arm. If it weren't for the manga, I'd unquestionably have my arm around him by now, but alas, this was what he wanted.

We stayed there for a while, and when I'd finished turning the pages to the familiar manga (for me at least), I got up and put it back on the shelf. I offered another volume, but Katsuki declined, instead standing up to take off his shirt. I did the same, and we settled back into the same position, the only difference being our bare upper halves. It was silent for a while, but eventually that silence was broken, and I found myself wishing it hadn't been.

" you not want me or something...?"

I looked down at Katsuki, shocked by the outrageous words, to see that he was trying not to cry. I shifted myself so I could look directly into his eyes and said "what makes you think that?"

"I'm just....really shit at this, and I thought...."

"It's ok babe. Whatever you thought, it's absolutely not true, ok? I love you, and I want you, ok~?"

I gently leaned forward to kiss him, nuzzling my nose against his in the process. Once we'd parted, I wiped a couple of escapee tears from his face, cuddling him close. He moved so he was on top of me, and kissed me again. This one was not nearly as soft though. This one said "fucking fuck me al-fucking-ready!"

And I was right. As soon as he was satisfied, Katsuki moved his attention to my neck, licking stripes up and down the side of it. He occasionally nipped, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself waking my parents. God, what a story that'd be...

Anyway, Katsuki's work on the rest of my body was amazing, and it took all my common sense to say "babe, we have class tomorrow. We shouldn't..."

"I know, I know. I'm just having as much fun as I can with your childhood bed~"

"Katsuki please don't tease me, I won't be able to resist!"

"...that's kinda the point, dumbass! Whatever though, we finish this tomorrow night...whether the idiots are there or not!"

"...tomorrow is game night..."

"Fucking hell...fine, I'll be there. Then it'd make sense if they find us in the morning"

"Cool. Come here~" I said, engulfing Katsuki in my arms. His face was pressed up against my chest and he pushed back, dramatically gasping for air. When he'd finished, he said "Jesus Ei, I nearly drowned in your tits!"

"Wh-they are not tits!"

"Sure as fuck look like tits to me"

"Katsuki, you're gay"

"And? I still know what tits look like!"

"I know, I'm just saying you might not have as much...expertise as other guys"

"It doesn't take a lot to know what is a tit and what isn't. Those are tits"

"Does that mean you don't like them?" I said with a playful pout. He sighed and said "no, of course I still like them, idiot!"

"But I thought you were gay!"

"So you admit that they're tits?"


"Haha! Katsuki one, Eijiro nil"

"Alright, then let's talk about your fucking castanet ass"

"The fuck is a castanet?"

"Y'know those little wooden things that you clack together and they make a noise?"


"Well..your ass makes a noise when it clacks together"


Suddenly, Katsuki, who was still on top of me, stood up on the bed, and came crashing back down on top of me, ass first. I wheezed and wheezed with a mixture of laughter and discomfort, and he managed to croak out a few words through his own laughter.

"Perks of having a fat ass I guess~"

Guys, I'm stalling on ideaaaaaaaaaas

Expect game night, a smut chapter, then maybe something else

Fact of the Day: just in case, Mahiru Kirishima slept with earplugs in 😌

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