36. A break?

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Their old spot by the bridge.

With the news headline echoing in his mind, there weren't too many places to choose from. Not many people hired girls with the name Bunny—- or Kitty.

He shared the location with the team and headed en route. Bruce met them waiting for him under the bridge. The boys wiped hot chocolate off their faces as he approached them.

"Please don't tell me that's the kid we fought the world for?" Batwoman confronted him.

"You think I didn't try?" Bruce sighed. "We'll talk about that later. Any intel from inside?"

"They're in there. There's another woman with them. Scans say she's Selina's sister."

"Maggie," Bruce confirmed, taking the cowl back from Wing. "Okay. You three are on rescue. Batwoman, you've got Maggie. Wing," he paused before adding, "Robin, get Selina. I'm offense tonight."

"B-" Nightwing began to raise a matter. Selina wouldn't leave so easily.

"I know. We'll play it by ear. The second things go south, Robin, you'll go backup with Batwoman." Bruce phrased his words deliberately to get less resistance from the kid.

The family boarded The Bat, landing on the brothel roof. They spanned out through the vents, different vantage points to the situation. Their pace quickened as they heard restrained screams.

"How unfortunate. A man like him for a husband; strong, deadly, dangerous. And he's not here to save you." She kissed her ex-friend's head. "What's the point, then?"

Batman replied by throwing a batarang straight at Zsasz's face.

The girls looked at the way the weapon had come, a second before Batwoman landed behind Maggie. Zsasz was quick on his feet again, and Batwoman engaged him after cutting the hostage loose.

"Coming your way, Robin!" Batwoman spoke to the comms as she gave Maggie a push in the direction. "Left stairway."

Using the fight as a distraction, Sylvia took Selina to a different room; the room where it all began. She was expecting him to follow them. Wing correctly chose to let Bruce go alone.

"Wouldn't you like to know who your wife really is?" Sylvia asked the empty room as she tied Selina to the bed.

"No one knows her better than I do," Bruce replied as he dropped from the ceiling.

Sylvia scoffed. "Really? Still?"

"Couples are allowed their own secrets," Bruce said as he circled her away from the bed. "You wouldn't know that, would you? You're too selfish to care about anyone but yourself."

"Selfish?" Sylvia chucked, pointing at herself in disbelief. "Selfish!!? Me? I was the one who switched places with her!" She pointed to the bed, stepping into his personal space. "If it wasn't for me, your Selina would have been stuck on this bed that night."

Bruce's jaw tightened, knuckles going white at his sides.

Sylvia laughed. "You'll let me keep talking? Won't defend your wife's honor?"

"I don't hit women."

Sylvia only had a second to gloat before she was hit on the head by a lamp, knocking her out. Bruce let her fall as he ran to his wife.

Selina tossed away the whip Bruce had passed her and was now writhing on the bed, clawing at the collar at her neck. Old memories of the room making her panic.

"Hey! Hey," Bruce calmed her as he grabbed her hands in one hand, and stroked her face with the other. "I'm here. I gotcha."

"Get me out of here!" Selina sobbed.

Bruce hurried to break her restraints. As soon as the collar broke, Selina hopped off the bed, tripping to the floor. Bruce was quick beside her.

"No one's gonna touch you. No one's gonna lay a finger on you." He promised as he drew her closer to him, hugging her head into his chest. He picked her up and carried her out of her least favorite room.

"Maggie! Where's Maggie?!" Selina forced herself down, frantically looking for her sister.

"It's okay!" Bruce assured her. "She's with Wing."

"And- and Zsasz?"

"Batwoman got him. He's going away, Selina. Him, Falcone. They're all gone."

All the good stuff finally let her breathe peacefully. "That's good." She paused for a second, remembering something she'd heard. "Robin. Kate sent Maggie to Robin."

Bruce paused on the steps to the roof. "About that..."

Selina didn't need to hear him say it. "You didn't!" She scolded him and ran up the stairs. The winter wind added a dramatic effect as she slammed the door open and stepped out on the roof. Her sister was sitting in the open vehicle, chatting with her son.

"Jay!" Selina called and ran towards them. Jay met her half way and ran into her arms.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked her as they pulled away.

"Me?" Selina chuckled. "Look at you!" She checked him up and down, hunting for injuries. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Jason grabbed her hand. "Nah, I'm fine. They didn't let me do anything. I was just babysitting Maggie," he said, his tone dejected.

Selina laughed and kissed his head. "And that was the most important thing any of you did. Thank you!"

"Yeah, he did good!" Maggie came up behind them. "Can't believe I'm meeting my nephew for the first time like this!"

As the trio happily went about chatting, Wing went over by Bruce.

"Looks like we'll finally catch a break, huh!"

Bruce smiled. The worst was behind them.

If only the universe could be so kind to him.

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