Part 18: Goodbye: God Be With Ye

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Maggie was the first to wake up in the morning, and bugged her sister awake. They washed up in the ensuite bathroom and went downstairs to join their hosts.

"Good morning Magdalene, Selina. You're just in time for morning prayer. Would you like to join us?"

Selina accepted to entertain Maggie and they headed to the chapel.

The older Kyle girl was quick to notice that sermon concerned orphans and Jesus in relation to them, and other Biblical stories meant to provide hope to people in Selina's situation. It slowly dawned on Maggie that they could relate to the stories.

During breakfast after the service, by which time Sylvia had joined them, Maggie was eager to point out how she related to the sermon, and the nuns in turn were more than happy to inform Maggie of Jesus and his love.

After breakfast, Mother Superior, Sister Irene, had Maggie taken to the school while she planned to talk with the older girls. Unlike an ordinary 9 year old, Maggie was happy to return to school.

"Now, I'm not sure about the legalities, but dear Magdalene has grown on our sisters. I'm happy to say that after conferring with my sisters, and with The Lord's blessings, we'd be happy to keep Maggie with us."

Selina was overjoyed to hear it.

"I understand you two aren't so, comfortable with church?"

"That doesn't mean I'm ungrateful for everything you've done for Maggie and all of us. I can't give her much, but I'm trusting He can."

"If He wills it..."

"Great! Now all I need is a job."

"I wouldn't know many places that would hire girls your age. But one of our parishioners owns his own workplace. Something of a warehouse or what not. I don't know what kind of work he has to offer, but he's always looking for help. I'll give him a call and see if he can come visit us today."

"What do we do till then, mop the floors?" Sylvia asked with her arms crossed and Selina nudged her.

"I'm sorry about her. We'll just walk around some."

Selina grabbed her friend by the elbow and dragged her out of the kitchen. She scolded Sylvia on their way while the nun behind them crossed herself and prayed for them. While strolling the church grounds, the girls found themselves in the school. The bell rang and they went into the closest classroom they could find, hiding from Maggie.

"Can I help you?" A woman's voice came from behind them, and the girls jumped around startled.

"We, um, are hiding from my little sister. She's not supposed to know we're here."

"I see. And where are you girls supposed to be?" The teacher asked, as she set up for her next incoming class.

"I... don't know. We just stayed at the abbey for a day. We'll be gone soon."

"Mhmm..." the teacher mused. "Well as long as you're here, would you like to stay for class?"

"Sure, we've got time to kill. What are you teaching?"

"I'm one of the arts teacher here. I mostly take the older classes."

"Are you an arts person?" Selina asked the teacher while walking about the classroom, examining the supplies placed about the room.

"That would be why I'm the art teacher, yes."

"Nice. What's your favorite art period?"

The teacher laughed. "Is this supposed to be a test? To see if I'm qualified?"

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