Part 5: The Cat's Eye

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Since accepting the first check, Catwoman was more on the prowl to scout than to steal, though it didn't go to say that she didn't have her run ins with the locals.

"Hellooo, kitty!" Catwoman purred as she hungrily stared at a pair of gems in a mob boss's seemingly empty warehouse.

She'd barely pulled out the circle she'd cut when the glass case shattered upon impact by a bullet. Catwoman had to duck to avoid being hit, and when she was up again, the thief was making away with her jewels. The Cat growled, more angered by being one upped if anything. She used her know of the land to use every space to her advantage, springing down from the pipe and scratching at the man's hand, making him let go of the gems. The thief winced and grabbed at his injured hand, turning in her direction.

"Oh, kitten's got claws!' he taunted her.

"Kitten has a whip!" she aided her claim with a visual demonstration of snapping her whip at her side.

The thief scowled, digging for his gun, and Catwoman had all but spun her whip when she was beaten to it by a batarang. Her opponent directed his attention to his new assailant and Catwoman took her cue, though it didn't take long for the detective to catch up to her.

Catwoman was already on the roof when the Batman popped up ahead of her. She didn't hesitate to smirk at him as she bagged the stones in his sight.

"So you're the famous detective!" she said with an attitude.

The Dark Knight stood there, clenching his jaw at the memory of their first encounter before.

"Kyle," he said, nodding to the bag around her waist. This time, he addressed her by name, knowing more than well enough who she was.

"Mmm, I bet you're dying to arrest me. But I'll have you know, I've been commissioned." Catwoman informed as she stepped past him.

"What does Wayne have to gain from stolen jewels?" He closed his eyes, awaiting a quip on his unintentional rhyme.

She only laughed at him, taking the stones out of her bag.

"Oh these? Just a bargain chip." She said coolly as she tossed them in her hand.

Batman narrowed his eyes, not buying her excuse.

"What?" She whined. "It's a two woman job. Catwoman scouts, Selina buys."

The detective stood still, unfazed, but the cat read the unhappiness in his silence.

"Not even one?" She smiled nervously.

His lip curled and she caved, resignedly throwing the jewels to him.

"Fine! Keep them. Not my color anyway."

That was the one time in her knowledge that the Batman crossed her path, though that didn't mean Catwoman didn't steal. But more of her attention was on buying the artifacts on Mr. Wayne's list. Catwoman would seek (and steal) at night, in the morning she met with Bruce Wayne to give him an estimate cost, and the evening would find her in a company car with bodyguards to purchase the art from criminals with Wayne's money.

Of course, her meetings with the CEO weren't all business. They'd gotten better acquainted with each other; but when she pushed, he pulled away, distancing himself from her. If Mr. CEO didn't want to be seen with a commoner, he wouldn't have reached out to her in the first place. And they wouldn't be standing where they had been: at the inauguration of the Cat's Eyes.

Selina caught him staring at her from the balcony lost in a daze. She excused herself from her current group of made her way up, taking a flute of champagne with.

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