Part 3: Friends

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Mrs. Bruce Wayne stood wrapped in her night robe as her husband got ready for work. She scoffed every time he donned an overcoat on top of his suit jacket, no matter the weather. The men's fashion she couldn't understand, but the wardrobes of rich women fitted her well. Just like Bruce hoped to fill in his father's shoes, Selina aimed to live up to the picture set by the previous Mrs. Wayne, her mother in law. Their goodbye kiss lasted longer, as neither of them wanted to part, finally having a purpose to their love making. Bruce promised to be home early, and soon as his car was past the gates, Selina went back to bed.

He didn't play lyrical music as he drove the long drive to the downtown office. His mind was sharp as a tack in any situation, but he found his best thinking worked in silence, maybe even a bit of classical music in the background; after all, he was raised in a rich family. The music alone got him thinking, would his kid have any interest in the classics? Both he and Selina had a passion for the great arts, though she learned it out of necessity and he per his mother's wishes. Would Jr. learn the piano? After or before lessons in combat. Would they let their children into their double life? Could they be a normal family if they kept secrets from their children? Would their kid be a vigilante, a thief, or something else entirely? As he pulled up to the main entrance, he was sure of one thing: this child would be the heir of Bruce Wayne, and hell would have to freeze over before Bruce Wayne let another tragedy happen to his family.

At work, his employees and coworkers congratulated him on the success of his new machine, but it was time to move on to the next project. Which meant more presentations, more paperwork, more touring through the different departments and subsidiaries. All in all a very busy day for the CEO of Wayne Enterprises. As he flipped through some papers at his desk, the news channel covered the jewelry store heist thwarted by the Batman. No news to Bruce Wayne, but it gave him an opportunity to escape the confines of his office as he went gift shopping for his wife.

The store was in the same complex as the Selina's gallery, but she had other errands to run that day, and wasn't at the gallery. Who knew how many obligations came with being Mrs. Wayne, and Martha Wayne's daughter in law. The store was open to the regular customers the employees knew and there was more police and security, but they didn't trouble Bruce Wayne, who financially backed the jewelry store. The old manager nervously approached Bruce, as if last night's events were a reflection of his ability to run the store. The man intended to keep his boss happy, but couldn't give Bruce what he'd came for.

"I'm looking for an anklet. Apparently my wife has her heart set on it." He laughed inside at his own remark. The poor manager had no idea what he'd meant.

"Silver, with a band of rhinestones and pendants. I've been told it might have bells too." he tried his best to remember the description Selina had given him.

Bruce's smile was not returned by the old man, who frowned and led Bruce to a desk that had the catalogue.

"If it's the one I think you're looking for, I'm afraid it's a customer's already bought it. If you wish, I can put a back order on another one, or personally arrange for you to sit with our best designers to create a more personal affect for the Mrs. That's the road your father took often, if I may humbly suggest." The manager nervously offered a solution, as if it might cost him his job.

Bruce did frown, but only for a second, and then gave a chuckle that eased the man's worries.

"I like this idea better, actually. I'm afraid work beckons me back today, but keep an eye out for me, I'll stop by soon. And I'd appreciate it if my wife didn't find out any of this."

"As you wish, Mister Wayne. We're at your service."

It was four hours since Bruce had gotten back from the store, back to the rut of meetings and presentations and paperwork. It landed on him to please the industrial sectors while managing to keep within the budget suggested by the financial departments. He was listening to a presentation, argument really, when Jessica came into his office.

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