chapter 15 | proper psychopath

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the song for this chapter is Bad Things by Cults :)


"I watched someone get murdered, take a guess." I say crossing my arms, silence settling over the room.

Zayn looks at me with a saddened look. I picked up my head off of Niall's shoulder, looking towards both Louis and Liam who are trying to avoid eye contact, looking anywhere but at me. Harry's staring at me with furrowed brows, taking his bottom lip between his fingers. All of the sudden, Niall bursts into laughter, breaking the silence and earning concerning looks from everyone.

"Wow," Niall says, dramatically wiping a tear from under his eye, "You really did traumatize her Styles, didn't you?"

"This isn't fucking funny Niall!" Harry yells, causing Niall's face to go serious, "Do you know what this means?" Harry says, running his hands in the back of his hair.

"What does it mean?" I ask nervously.

Everyone shares a look with each other, making my nerves get worse than they already are. "Grey, listen," Zayn says, putting his hand on my shoulder, "You can't freak out alright?"

"Freak out? What do you mean? I feel like I have a right to freak out!" I yell, crossing my arms, "I watched him," Gesturing towards Harry, earning a scowl, "fucking murder someone and you're telling me not to freak out? Bullshit." I say, pulling the hood of my sweatshirt onto my head.

"Maybe if you minded your own business you wouldn't be in this situation!" Harry barks, resulting in me rolling my eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't have killed someone in public, you moron!" I snap back.

"You shouldn't have been there!"

"I was walking home!"

"By yourself at night?"

"What was I supposed to do, ask a random person for a ride?"

"Guys, calm down." Zayn says, trying to deviate the situation.

"You should have kept walking!"

"You shouldn't have murdered someone!"

"Guys." Zayn says, looking at Louis and Liam as they both shake their heads, Niall trying to stifle a laugh.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you would just mind your business and stayed away!"

"I wish I could, but guess what, we can't go back in time."

"Guys!" Liam shouts.

"WHAT!" Harry and I simultaneously shout.

"Enough you two!" Louis shouts, causing my head to snap towards him, "Both of you are giving me a fucking headache." He says, rubbing his forehead.

"You guys need to just get over yourselves and stop blaming each other." Liam speaks up, point towards me, "You were at the wrong place wrong time." He then points at Harry, "You were an idiot and killed someone in a public setting." Liam shrugs as Harry rolls his eyes.

"Whatever." Harry says, running his hands through his hair.

"It's not 'whatever' Harry and you know it. You not only put us in danger, but now Greyson too." Zayn addresses.

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on!" I ask, throwing my head onto the back of the couch.

"As long as you don't freak out again." Niall says, elbowing my arm.

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