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(Y/N)'s POV:

        Quarantine, a time where people would have a glow up or glow down, a time where people would find their happiness and discover new things, you know the rest. I've recently heard this thing called 'Shifting' where you sleep and somehow shift to another reality? I don't know 

      I had decided to try it out and thought, nothing bad could happen, right? But when I went to sleep and woke up in a different room, I felt scared but then turned over to see a phone, assuming it's mine and picked it up

       I checked the time and saw that it was early, like the time you would wake up to get ready for school. I unlocked the phone and saw a message? More like a note so I went to read it

Name: Kitagawa (Y/N)

Age: First-year in high school (Sorry, idk like the age difference shit, it works differently for me)

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

Note: You're going to High school in Tokyo called "Seirin High" 

Challenge: Have a happy ending 

~No other information yet~

        That's all it said and it was weird, I don't know how to speak Japanese! I'm a foreigner, ugh whatever. I got up and went to the bathroom, luckily I managed to find it though. I went in and took a bath real quick, then wrapped myself in a towel and brushed my teeth "Morning" a male voice was heard as he walks in the bathroom

        He stood next to me and started brushing his teeth, we both make eye contact through the mirror and screamed, jumping away from each other "Who the hell are you!!" We yelled together and pointed at each other

      "My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I um...my school is in (S/C/N) {State/Country name} and I went to Winter Meadows High" I introduced "Wait, (Y/N)? Sounds familiar, I'm in the same school as you. My name is Alan Arewa" he introduced himself and my eyes widen

     "Wait, you're Alan?! It's me! Your fake, twin little sister, I'm a year younger than you and taller than you back then in school!! Remember?" I asked and his eyes widen as well "Oh my god, so it is you! But you look so different" He tilts his head and I do the same

     "What do you mean? I can say the same for you, you look different" we stood next to each other and looked at the mirror, finally noticing our appearance. We had the same hair colour and everything, only difference is the gender and height difference  

     "Why the hell are you suddenly taller than me?!" he laughs "Finally! I get to be the taller sibling! I was always a year older but shorter than you so now, it seems like things has changed" he pats my head and I rolled my eyes

      We both have orange eyes, mine a bit darker, we have black hair but a bit of faded orange at the bottom. We look at each other and nod "Let's get ready first" I left the bathroom, I changed into a uniform that was magically in the closet 

      Once we were both ready, we found the kitchen and made breakfast for each other, packing some for recess later. We grabbed our bags that were also magically at the front door "Oh wait, (Y/N), did you get that note in your phone this morning"

       I nod my head and took it out, exchanging our phone and I went to read the information about him

Name: Kitagawa Keito

Age: Second-Year in High school

Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: Unknown

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