{Seiho High vs Seirin High}

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(Y/N)'s POV:

         It was now lunch time, Keito had insisted I eat with Kagami and Kuroko while he eats with the other second-years. I was sitting next to Kuroko, eating my food while Kagami was in front of us "You're eating a lot more than usual" I nod and he turns around to face us

       "I'm surprise that's enough for the both of you. We played two games yesterday, I'm so hungry" I pout "Well, I already said I don't eat much and I didn't play so I'm not hungry" I shrugged "I'm sore at least" Kuroko said

        "What does that mean? I guess I am too" he stretches "Kagami-kun, Kuroko-kun, (Y/N)-chan!" we turn to see Riko, carrying two boxes "Perfect. Come with me" we got up and followed her. She made them carry the box while she linked her arm with mine

        "Riko-senpai, I think their body is sore. Why make them carry the boxes?" I tilt my head "You want a maiden to carry those boxes? Well, two maiden and it's your job boys" she says and I chuckles

       "I don't see a maiden anywhere" and with that, Riko punches Kagami in the back which made me scrunch nose "You basically asked for it, Bakagami" "Don't call me that, woman!" "I see a maiden, though" I heard Kuroko mumble but decided not to question it [Maybe he was talking about Riko]

      Riko had suggested I watch them with her so that I can know more about basketball and then she will test me to see if I can scan people yet. We were in the club room, I think? And was watching a match with a school named Seiho High

      The next day came and I felt a bit sleepy since I stayed up late to watch the match over and over again at home but then I was with Riko and her father back at their gym since her father is a sports trainer and he gladly thought me some stuff as well

      I was on the court with Keito, I seriously have no idea why he keeps bringing me on the court but luckily they don't mind.  As everyone warmed up, a guy approuched me "Woah! Your hair is orange, huh? That's kinda cool and weird!"

     I turn to look at him and raise an eyebrow "Excuse me?" Keito was already shooting some hoops so it was just me on the court "Yeah! I've never seen anyone with orange hair before!" "Uh, okay? Why are you even talking to me?" I put my hands in my pocket 

      "Ah, I had assume you were a player but then I realised you were actually a girl" he smiles and I felt my eyebrow twitch "If you had longer hair and your chest was bigger, maybe you would be pretty!" my hand turned into a fist and I gritted my teeth

       "Is that seriously how you approach people? Approach a girl? If so, you're a completely ass" I scoffed and glares at him "Woah! You even cursed! You can't get any guy if you aren't lady-like, ya know?" I clicked my tongue 

       "What's going on here?" Keito walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder "Oh, are you two dating? I didn't think you'd date someone like her!" Keito glares at him and an irk mark appears "You talking shit about her now?" 

       "He said if I had a bigger chest, longer hair and acted like a lady, I could get guys" I told him and he laughs "You must be an idiot then. I hate people like you, looking at their appearance"  I nod and he rolls his eyes, walking to Kagami 

     Which of course we followed "Captain! It's the guy you talked about, right? When you said that Seirin was super weak, but only one guy has incredible strength!" he yelled, I stood next to Kagami "Why are you always picking a fight with other school?" Hyuga ask and I snicker, he turns to me and hits my head lightly "Don't laugh, women! And I didn't even do anything!" I turn to look at Riko 

      She seems pissed and I understand why. A guy, who I assume was their captain walked over and punched the bald guy's head "Stop jumping around, you moron" the captain grabs his head and forced him to bow 

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