{Jumping and Carrot?}

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(Y/N)'s POV:

      The moment Kagami scored, I could tell everyone aside us were shocked. Even I didn't see him, it would be scary to play with those two...I shivered at the thought and Keito looks at me as he raises an eyebrow, I shrug and waved my hand, telling him it's nothing

      Kuroko seems to be using his misdirection a lot until the point was 8-23 in favour of Seirin which made me happy, everyone praises Kuroko as he sits next to me, I felt useless, not doing anything in the team "Kuroko-kun, do you mind if I wipe your neck?" he turn to me

     He frowns a bit and nods "Sure but didn't I tell you to not call me that, (Y/N)-chan?" Oh right, he wants me to call him by his first name- I smiled and rubbed my nape "Sorry, Tetsu-chan" he hands me his towel and nods, then pats my head 

       I put a hand on his shoulder and started wiping his sweat "The trouble starts now! Kuroko, you're substituted" I looked at Riko and tilted my head but still focusing on Kuroko. "From now on, we need to reserve Kuroko for now-" I cut them off in my head

      So they're saving him for later,  huh? I guess that's okay, though I do hope Keito plays soon since he's new to it. I guess I don't mind playing a bit but not in a match, I'll just shoot some hoops with him

      My thought were cut off by Kagami "Leave it to me!" Oh, I guess they're starting again. I stopped wiping Kuroko but he grabs my wrist making me look at him "Hm? Tetsu-chan, is there something wrong?" I tilt my head and he shakes his head

       "Just wanted to say thanks" he smiles and I smiled back, nodding and ruffled his sweaty hair which made me scrunch my nose in disgust. I wiped my hand and watched the game. The match continues and as Otosan dunks the ball

     My eyes widen [Did..he somehow get higher?!] I look at Riko and it seems like she noticed it too. "I'm serious now! won't lose!" I look at Kagami and it seems like he's...smiling? Smirking? I don't know

      "Yeah, it won't be fun if you don't raise the tension, Otosan!" Did he seriously call him that in front of him- Ugh Kagami you weirdo! The score is 12 ‒ 24 still in favour of Seirin. Hyūga makes a shot but it was short. Kagami get's the rebound making Papa loses to Kagami in height now and scores

      "Okay, nice shoot!" "Nice rebound!" I nod and clapped. Their captain passes the ball to Otosan and goes for a jump shot but I think he noticed that Kagami is able to reach the ball so he passes it 

    [H-How high can he jump!?] I hear snickering and I look at Keito "You're so surprised by everything" I rolled my eyes [Not my fault I don't know what will happen, idiot] Otosan makes another jump shot but Kagami's jumps get's higher and higher!!

        The score is 33 ‒ 45 still in favor of Seirin. Their captain makes a 3 pointer and the score is 50 ‒ 61 still in favour of Seirin. "Kuroko-kun! Can you go for the last five minutes!?" Riko asks as I look at him "Actually, I've wanted to go in for a while now" I giggled

     "Ah sorry, then quickly go in!" Kuroko walks into the court and continues to use his misdirection. Otosan get's the ball going for a jump shot and Kagami jumps up and my mouth drops down, looking at how high he jumps, what is he?! Secretly a high jumper!? 

       He manages to block the ball and the match ended with a score of 67 ‒ 79 with Seirin's victory. We said our thank you's and packed our stuff, I was holding hands with Keito as we stood with Kuroko and Kagami

      Otosan walks up to us and looks down at us "I lost...Do your best for my sake too" Why does it seem like he's dying- "Uh, yeah sure" we nod "Like hell I'd say that! Moron, Idiot! I won't lose next time!!" he yelled and I jumped a bit

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