{Dog, New habit and Momoi-san?}

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(Y/N)'s POV:  

  (Because Author-san forgot to include this-)

         Once we were done eating, we were outside "Huh? Where did Kuroko go?" We looked around "Excuse me..." I turn to see him "I found this..." My eyes widen a bit "A dog?" I tilt my head "Don't take him with you!" Someone said as Riko stepped out of the store

       Kuroko had the dog on his head [Cute!] I took my phone out and secretly took a picture of it while smiling softly, I put my hands in my pocket, I was still wearing Kagami's jacket though. Riko grabs the dog and starts spinning around with him as I chuckled

        "Doesn't he look like someone?" Riko ask as I stood behind, tilting my head. We looked at Kuroko's eyes and then the dogs, then back at Kuroko's "The eyes! The eyes!" "Oh crap! He's attached become attached!" Koganei then points at it "Okay! Your name will be Tetsuya number 2!" I snickered [Great name, Koganei-

        "Don't name him! It'll only make it harder for us to leave him!" Hyuga yelled "Hey, I've been wondering..." We turn to look at Riko. I see Kagami, crouched on the ground, covering his ears and I tilt my head "What are you doing, Kagami-kun?" She ask

       "Uh well...I really can't handle dogs" he says and everyone was dumbfounded, except Keito. I snickered "For someone who's tall, intimidating and everything, you're scarred of something so cute. How are you ever going to protect your future girlfriend, Kagami-kun" I said as I crouched down next to him and poked his side

        "S-Shut up, you idiot!" for some reason, his face was red. He stood up and so did I but he stayed behind me as I sighed 

~End of Flashback~
(Still your POV)

        We were now in the gym, everyone was practicing except Kagami since his legs were weak. Keito had told me it was because he was jumping during their match yesterday. Keito had apparently already told Riko about the scanning and stealing ability, at first she didn't believe it until she made me do a mini test

          I had to scan everyone but Keito had begged her not to let me see them shirtless, overprotective as usual. I manage to pass and she believed me, she told me to be careful since she's scarred that the ability might ruin my eye sight, so here I am, controlling it which is really hard

        I now have a new habit which is starring at people when I want to scan them, I tend to not blink since I'm trying to focus on the numbers. Keito would always remind me to blink and I would tear up because my eyes would dry up

        My eyes would be the same colour as Riko when I'm using her ability, then it'll turn back into my original orange colour but sometimes it would stay brown and I would have to cover my eyes for a few minutes for it turn back to it's own colour

       "Damn it, I'm itching to play" Kagami said as he spins the ball on his index finger "You have to wait until your legs are healed!" Riko said as I nod my head. Tetsuya #2 was currently sitting outside, Kuroko did a pass and he barked, making Kagami flinch

       Hyuga did shot the ball and he scores, Tetsuya #2 barks again, we all look at him and I smiled him "Number 2, you know how to  play basketball?" Hyuga ask and he barks again, I clench my shirt at where my heart is and wiped a fake tear "He's so cute..." 

        "You're basically calling Kuroko cute" Keito said and I shrugged "Well he is, so I ain't disagreeing" He rolls his eyes. Number 2 walks in and Kagami runs away--tried to at least-- he was now on the floor, trying to open the door "Jeez, you really don't like them?" "Yes..."

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