{An old friend?}

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(Y/N)'s POV:

       The bell had rang and it was now recess time, so I looked through my bag but noticed that I had left my lunch box on the counter. I softly cursed [This is what happens when you procrastinate and say stuff but have a bad ass memory] I rolled my eyes 

       I guess I wasn't really that hungry, I put my elbow on my desk, my chin on my palm and looked out the window, admiring the view. The door slides open "(Y/N)!" I flinched and turn to look at my brother "What? And did you really have to yell, idiot?"

      He chuckles and smiles, walking up to me "Come on, let's go have lunch" "Sorry, but I left my container back at home" he smacks my head "Idiot, seriously. You had one job, first day of school and you already messed up" I rubbed my head and hisses 

     "Stop hitting me! Jeez, I wasn't really that hungry anyway" I stood up, putting my phone in my pocket. We walk out and decided to eat on the roof, so that we can talk without anyone hearing us and thinking we're crazy

        We sat down on a bench and I heard a soft ring, I took out my phone and noticed that my information chart had updated "Hey, Keito? Check your phone, we might have a new info" I said and checked my chart to see what was added

Summary of backstory: You're close friends with the Generation of Miracles 

Physical Ability: Unknown

Technique: Unknown

Stamina: Unknown, most likely low

Mental Strength: Unknown

Special Ability: Unknow

Talent: #&*#%%!#

     I raised my eyebrow and showed my phone to Keito "Why the hell is my 'Talent' all glitched up?" I asked and he shrugs "No idea but hey! At least you're friends with the GoM which is so cool!" "The...who know?" 

         "Ugh, you're an idiot! What if you meet one of them? How the hell are you going to act like you know him?" He asks and I shrug "Dunno, I usually get along with people well, especially guys so maybe I can find something out" he nods and hands me his phone as I look at the added information

Summary of backstory: You and (Y/N) were separated so you went to a different middle school but now you're back with her. Your parents had separated you both but you kept in touch 

Physical Ability: 5/10

Technique: Unknown

Stamina: 8/10

Mental Strength: 10/10

Special Ability: Unknown

Talent: Unknown

       "Huh, at least you have more details in and stuff in your chart, mine are all unknown" I gave his phone back and he laughs a bit "I like how you're 'Stamina' chart says 'most likely low'. Even this world knows how bad your stamina is!" I smack his head softly

       "Oh shut up, I wasn't expecting it, I played some sport back at school but I didn't think that it this world there would be no information whatsoever" I sigh. The bell rings and we stand up "Ah here, you didn't really eat and I finished it all but just have this piece"

      He feeds me a piece of meat and I thank him "Don't tell me you didn't bring your water bottle either..." I shake my head and he sighs, facepalming himself "Goddamn it, you're still the same. For the last time, you're not going to die from drinking water and you need to stay hydrated!"

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