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(Y/N)'s POV:

      It was now break time and Riko had asked us to meet her on the second floor so I followed Kuroko and Kagami. Once we were there, she smiles at us "Go and buy us a sandwich, then bring it back to us" I saw Keito sweat dropped and tried to escape

     But Riko was quick enough to grab his shirt "You're going with them as well since you're new" he shivers and I snicker "(Y/N)-chan, you can stay with us" she said and I nod "Okay, thanks" "What?! No fair! She's new too, why isn't she buying the sandwich" "Because she's a girl and she's precious!" 

      She suddenly hugs me and I stood still "R-Riko-senpai, I can't breathe..." she quickly lets go of me "Hehe, sorry" she pats my head. They give Kagami an envelope with money inside and they leave, I followed Riko up to the roof and she starts teaching me about the human body and everything 

    Not in that way but--you get what I mean...I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my pocket "Ah sorry, I need to check this first" she nods and I walked away from them, taking out my phone and checked it

Likes: Hugging

     Hah? Why is this so important that they have to update it? I shrugged and put my phone back in my pocket, walking back to the others and saw that the first-years were back, along with Keito and he walked towards me, leaning his head on my shoulder

      I chuckled and pat his back "Was buying lunch really that hard?" he nods "It was hell..." We sat on the ground and gives them the bread "Ah it's alright. Since you guys went to buy it, you can have it" Hyuga said "EH?! Really?" they asked and he nods "Yeah, don't hold back" 

       They started discussing who takes the first bite and it ended up with Kuroko, he unwraps it and takes a bite. "This is...very delicious" flowers started flying around him which makes me question things but forgot this is an anime world so aight-

     "I like it better when it's long" (fUCK THAT WAS WRONG-) Kagami said as I look at him and my eyes widen, he was eating a sandwich that was 100cm! Just how much can he eat?! Keito was eating as well and his face lit up "Mmm, it really is tasty!" I giggled

       "You're like a little child, Keito" I shake my head and Izuki looks at me, raising an eyebrow "Are you not going to eat, Kitagawa-chan?" everyone looks at me and I flinch a bit. I rub my nape and smiles nervously "No, I'm not really hungry and please, just call me (Y/N)" they nod

     Keito pokes my cheek "Oi, you have to eat or your stomach will be in pain later during practice" I pout "It's not like I'm the one who's playing" I slap his hand away. Once lunch was over, we head back to class, I was behind Kagami and Kuroko 

~Time skip~

     Classes were over and I was now in the gym, standing next to Riko. Hyuga was explaining about the preliminaries that was coming up (Sorry dunno what to write here so-)

~Time skip~

      It was now our first match against a school named Shinkyo Academy, the team that has a guy who was 6'7'' tall!! My neck would be in pain if I had to look up at him, Kuroko gave him a nickname which was Otosan, no idea why but okay-

       I heard a loud thud and looked at the door, my eyes widen, Otosan had walked through the door but hit his face, jeez, he's really tall!! "Everything in Japan is so small" he said as he walked in [Um for you! You're huge!!] my mouth was wide open

      I was standing next to Kuroko since...I actually have no idea why I was on the court but Otosan was talking bad about the GoM and it kinda pissed me off a bit since he's never went up against them, at least I'm assuming 

     He was walking and had bumped into Kuroko, he carries him up from under the armpit and I'm shook! He just picked Kuroko up like a doll! "It's no good, little one. Kids shouldn't get on the court" I snickered and held my mouth

       Sure Kuroko was the shortest in the team but he was still taller than me "He's a player?" Otosan then puts him down "They lost to a team with a kid like that? Maybe the Generation of Miracle are all kids" he then walks away but had bump into me as well

      "Ah..." I manage to keep my ground and not fall, he looks down at me and carried me up as well, which made me panic since I was wearing my school uniform and people could see up my skirt "Another kid?" I squirmed "Hey! Let her go!!" I look to see Keito jogging up to us, along with Kagami

      Otosan just lets go of me and I fall down, I slipped and hurt my ankle a bit and I hiss. Kagami was fast enough to catch me before I fell down completely "Hey! Just cause I said 'let her go' doesn't mean you should do it while she's in the air!" Keito yells, Kagami helps me stand and I thank him, I hold Keito's hand "Keito, it's fine. I'm not hurt, so don't worry" "Don't lie, I saw how you slipped, idiot"

     I smiled and he mumbles some stuff, we walk back to the others, Keito helping me since I sprained my ankle "To be honest...I'm quite a bit irritated right now" I tilt my head as I look at him. Was it because of what Otosan said about the GoMs? But what I didn't know was that he was irritated by how Otosan got me hurt...

      "Are you okay, (Y/N)-chan?" Riko ask as she looks down at my ankle, scanning it I'm assuming "I'm fine, Riko-senpai. Just sprained my ankle but I should be fine" she nods "Sit down and don't move too much then" she pats my head and I pout [I'm being treated like a child-]

3rd person's POV:

      The tip-off starts to Otosan vs. Kagami, Kagami loses to Otosan in height. The match starts with Shinkyō's possession of the ball, Otosan did a jump shot and Kagami was there to block it but he fails seeing how tall is Otosan was

       Shinkyō gained their first point of 2 ‒ 0. Hyūga makes a shot but Otosan managed to stop his shot making it easy for him. Two members of Seirin complains that it's unfair to have a foreign player that is strong

     "Is Seirin from that too? The tenacity group?" their captain asks making Hyuga confused "There's a lot of guys like that, being all 'using a foreign played is unfair!' It's not really against the rule, though. What's wrong with having a strong guy? It makes things easier, we only have to get the ball to him" 

      He looks back at Otosan then at Hyuga "Is winning easily such a wrong thing? What do you think?" he asks. Hyuga scratches the back of his head, looking away "I don't know if it's easy for you or not. But well, if that's your policy, you won't complain, right?" Hyuga looks at Kuroko and Kagami 

     "We've got crazy guys in our team after all. But we didn't need to invite them though" This catches the opponents captain confused. (Y/N) looks at Kuroko and Kagami, wondering if they can really defeat Otosan 

      She looks at Riko "Riko-senpai, do you think they'll be okay?" Riko looks at her junior and nods, patting her head "Don't worry" then Otosan misses his shot "We won't let them score easily, because Kagami-kun won't let Otosan play as he wants!" the girl tilts her head

       The other first-years were confused as well and they ask what she means and she explains "Even if he can't reach the ball, there's still a way. Something that Mitobe-kun taught him!" (Y/N) nods as she keeps watching the game "If you chase the opponents that way, they will have a hard time getting ready"

       [So that means, if they put pressure on Otosan, he'll miss cause he's forced to shoot...] she thinks to herself. Izuki throws the ball until it reaches to Otosan and Kuroko misdirects the ball to Kagami then dunks it "Maybe kids can be dangerous too, you know?" Kagami says 

       "Can you please stop calling me a kid?" Kuroko says, a bit annoyed and (Y/N) giggles, she's shocked that Kuroko just pops out of nowhere and passes the ball [So this is the power of the GoM...It seems like Kise can copy the others but what about the other four?

~End of Chapter 5~

Words: 1480

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