{Another old friend?}

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(Y/N)'s POV: 

       It was now recess time and I was being dragged by Keito as usual "Come on, I'm pretty sure Kagami is done speaking with her. After that, we can eat" We reached her class and knocked on the door 

      He stands in front of her while I was beside her, she was playing a...PSP? Damn, I want one. "Riko-senpai!" he slams his hand on the table, causing her to spit her drink out of her mouth at him and I laughed at it

      He wipes himself and I hear him mumble "Should've seen that coming..." "What are you doing here?" she ask "I came here to ask if I could be an official member" he ask and I shrug. She sighs "You guys are so impatient" she gives him a paper, I'm assuming it's the application paper

       "I'll only accept your form on Monday at 8:40 on the rooftop" she said and he bows, leaving the class [Did the idiot forget I was here?-] I ask myself and was about to walk out of the class "Kitagawa-chan!" I stopped and turn to look at her 

      "Yes, senpai? And please, just call me (Y/N). I don't want you guys to confuse me and my brother" I said and she smiles, nodding her head and handing me a paper "I noticed how you and Keito are always together so I assumed you would want to join our club! You aren't in any, right?" She tilts her head

      I shake my head "No but I don't think I'd be any help to the team. I know nothing about basketball, senpai" I shrugged. She waves her hand, still smiling "Don't worry about it, you'll learn them as you stay" I sighed "Alright, I'll try...but I heard from Hyuga-senpai that you can scan people?" I tilt my head

       She nods her head "Is it okay if...you teach me how to do it too? I really don't want to be the only useless one in the team" I frowned and she giggles "If you want but it'll take a while. I've been doing it since I was a child so it'll take you awhile, think you can do it?" she puts her hands on her hips 

      I nod "I'm confident!" She smiles and giggles again "Great! Monday at 8:40 on the rooftop!" I take the form and rushed out. Keito was waiting for me at my class "There you are, I was wondering where you went" "Sorry, Riko-senpai and I talked after you left" I went in my class and put the form in my bag

       I ate on the roof with Keito as usual, waited for class to end. Monday came and I was on the roof with the other first-year, Keito and Riko. Since I was applying as the assistant coach, I was fine. I looked at Keito and saw that he was nervous and I raise my eyebrow

       "Are you stupid?" Kagami said and snickered "I forgot all about it but on Monday...the assembly starts in five minutes!" he yells and I stood next to Riko, looking down at the crowd and pout [I hope we don't get in trouble if they find out about us....

     I look back at Riko [Just what the hell was she thinking? Telling us to meet her here on a Monday?] Keito didn't tell me anything since he said it wasn't important so I decided to see where this whole shinanigen was going

      "Hurry up and take it" Kagami said as he took out his form "Before that, I have to tell you something" she said and we look at her with a confused expression, except Keito of course. "I made a promise when the captain asked me to coach them last year" 

       A promise? I tilt my head "I promise to focus solely on pushing the team towards the national championship. If you don't think you're ready for that, there are other clubs suited for you" she said and I pouted [I'm sure as hell know I ain't ready for shit in this world...]

        Long story short, whoever fails to achieve their goal has to come back here, strip naked and confess to the girl they like. I covered my mouth and tried not to laugh. In the end, we were band from going to the roof, Keito and Kuroko didn't get to announce their goal since the principle stopped us 

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