{Onto the finals!}

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(Y/N)'s POV:

     It was now the second quarter, Kagami and Kuroko are working together better than before and managed to score but "Riko-senpai, is it normal for Kagami to be sweating that much on the second quarter?" I asked her 

      I hear a whistle being blown and my eyes widen [Kagami has another foul!? That's his forth one!] "If he gets five fouls, they'll be eliminated and Seiho wins immediately..." I look at Keito "Even though I know who will win, it still scares me for some reason" I look back to see Kuroko and Kagami being switched out

      The score was now 30-31 after Mitobe made a dunk, it was still in the favour of Seiho but at least we're close. Riko softly punches Kagami and I snicker, I was now in between of him and Kuroko "You should really trust your senpais, Bakagami" I said and he snaps his head towards me

     "Oi! Don't call me that!!" "Bakagami!~" "Oi!! You damn women!" I kept laughing and he smiles--more like a grin?--I wiped his sweat and sighed "It's only the second quarter and you're soaked in sweat, disgusting" he clicks his tongue "Shut up, shorty" I pout and glared at him

     "I'm not short, you're just too tall" "You're actually short, (Y/N)-chan" I looked at Kuroko "Not you too, Tetsu-chan?! You're just a few inches taller than me! Ugh, I hate the both of you" I rolled my eyes 

     I turn to look at Riko "Ne, Riko-senpai. Is there something special with Izuki-san? I have this feeling he has some weird...thing?" she nods and smiles at me "I'm surprised you noticed! But yeah, he can see it. It's called the eagle eye" I tilt my head

       So he can see the court from a different perspective, huh? "Do Kogenai-senpai and Tsuchida-senpai have a skill too?" Kawahara asks "Huh? Uh...yeah" I snickered "You don't sound too confident, Riko-senpai" "Shut up" 

       "Koganei can shoot from all ranges! But his accuracy's only is so-so" I giggled "Doesn't that make him normal!?" "And Tsuchida-kun is good at rebounding" I heard my phone beep and I took it out

Talent: Stealing 

      Stealing? The hell is that suppose to mean? Well world, you have offended me and I'm hurt. I showed it to Keito and even he's confused "What are you now? A thief?" I shrugged "I probably stole someone's heart by my charm~" I flipped my hair and he scrunches his nose "Ew, I'm the charming twin here"

      "Oh right, you're the dumb one and I'm the smart one, sorry" I shrugged and he started sulking which made me chuckle. His phone went off as well and he takes it out, I looked over his shoulder

Challenge: Escape, return back to reality and have a happy ending 

      "Okay, we seriously need to find what this 'happy ending' is. I thought we should just help Seirin win but I have a feeling it's more than that" I shrugged "No use figuring it out now, I'm sure the team doesn't even need us, they're capable on their own" I said as I saw Koganei reaching for the ball coming our way

       He passes the ball inside but he stumbles backwards and falls on top of me "Koganei!" "(Y/N)!" Hyuga helps me up "Are you okay, (Y/N)-chan?" he ask and I nod "Yeah, just hurt my ankle even more" I laugh nervously

      I look at Koganei "Is he alright?" "No! He's eyes are spinning!!" Such an anime thing to do- I help Riko to put Koganei properly on the floor and laid a towel on his head. "Let me play! Please!" Kagami said "What are you talking about? You can't play" Hyuga says and we look at him

       "Have you forgotten why we're conserving your energy? We'll settle this. You just wait!" "I can't just sit still! I want to help-" Kuroko cuts Kagami off by covering his mouth with his hand...well tried too-

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