Yes or No?

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(If you like listening to music while reading , I

Strongly recommend :
"Feel my Pain" by "Jurrivh". It's a beautiful paino music. You'll fall in love at the first listen☺️ I have attached the music video above. Play it on loop. You can also listen to it in the background in Spotify.)
Enjoy ; )

"Will you Marry me Claire?"

Claire stands frozen. She never expected that someone would propose to her like this and that too , her best friend. Her heart is pounding fastly, making her legs shiver in nervousness. Aden is looking passionately at her desperately waiting for her answer, expecting a Yes.

He extends his left arm to ask for her hand. The ring in his right hand is eagerly waiting for her finger.

Levi's heart sinks down feeling an emptiness in his chest. He doesn't want to look at them but cannot help. He is more desperate than Aden for her answer. His mind is occupied with many questions.

What if she says yes?

Will it be all over ?

Is this how it ends?

The people around them cheer for Aden.

Say yes girl !!

Say yes to him!!

Everybody is Clapping and hooting.

 Claire looks around thinking deeply because she doesn't want to make a wrong choice which can give her a lifetime regret . Her future depends on a Yes or No.

The surroundings are filled with excitement and applause.

But this is a heart shattering moment for Levi. He feels very weak, his hands are not able to move.

He cannot hear anything going on around him. The words of the people  are making no sense to him. Everything's hazy except for Claire's face. His eyes are set on her lips waiting for a No. Every second feels difficult to pass. With every second, it's getting hard to breathe. 

"Claire? Will you be mine forever?"

"Aden" she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I am sorry. I cannot say yes. I like you but not in that way. I hope you understand." 

Aden clenches his hand and moves it back. His eyes are filled with tears. To hide them,he looks down and wipes them with the back of his hand. "It's okay, Claire."

He gets up, putting the ring back in his pocket and smiles at her with painful eyes.

"I hope you find someone better, Aden." Claire could feel the pain he is feeling right now but she didn't mean to hurt him.

"Ahhh!! This was my first time proposing to a girl whom I loved since I was a kid but got rejected." He laughs.

"I am really sorry Aden but you deserve someone better."

" I don't think I will find someone better than you." He gives her a gentle smile "But I hope we can stay friends after this."

"What are you saying Aden? We will always remain best friends." Claire strokes his head lovingly. 

"Why don't we order something? What will you have Claire?"

Levi feels so relieved and takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes and swallows down a lump in his throat. Levi thought that this was the last chapter of Claire and his story. 

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