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(If you like listening to music while reading , I

Strongly recommend :
"Miss me" by "Jurrivh". It's a beautiful paino music. You'll fall in love at the first listen. I have attached the music video above. Play it on loop. You can also listen to it in the background in Spotify.

It will make your reading experience better. Enjoy!)

"Here's what you asked." Levi hands down a bundle of sheets to Erwin .

So, how did it go in Marley?" Levi asks in his stoic voice while leaning his back against the wall, arms crossed against his chest.

"We need to do IT at its earliest before they do it against us one more time. There is no time left." Erwin answers. He is looking down at the papers in his hands.

Levi rolls his eyes to Erwin "When?"

Erwin turns the pages "In a week. I have briefed the upper authorities about everything which I gathered while spying on Marley these 8 months. They are convinced with the plan. I need at least a week to make all the arrangements."

Erwin's eyes fall on a sheet where he stops flipping them and takes that particular paper out of the stack.
He brings it in front of Levi's eyes.
"Who is this 'Claire'?"

Levi stares at the page which is a record of Claire's performance in the past expeditions.

He replies "She joined the survey corps much late. You were in Marley that time. Hange introduced her."

Erwin particularly asked about her because he knew about the others as he had gone on some expeditions with them.

"Her records are quite impressive,after Mikasa" Erwin keeps that sheet on top of the stack.

Levi bows his head down, smiling to himself feeling like a proud teacher. Of course, it was him who helped her improve.

"I would like to see her," Erwin mentions formally.

"But why are we discussing all this outside the examination hall?" Levi asks Erwin because he could have called him in his office instead.

Erwin looks at a man standing at a distance from them who is holding a wooden hammer in his hand, waiting to strike it against the hanging bell .
"Their exam is about to get over. I need to inform the cadets about the plan."

Levi is also waiting for someone, looking continuously at her through the window, while she is busy writing her exam. He is hoping for her to do good this time. And has completely forgotten that he is standing with Erwin. Levi is lost in his thoughts of her.

How she forgot about the exam and panicked when he reminded her.

How she slept in the library instead of studying.

How pretty and innocent she looked while sleeping.

Without him realising, those thoughts bring a polite smile on his lips.

His snaps out of his silly thoughts when the bell rings, bringing him back to reality.

The cadets start coming out of the hall, some with happy and some with dissatisfied faces. But Levi is looking for that one face. His eyes moving from one corner to the other.

He finds her.
Those beautiful eyes perfectly matching her beautiful smile. The loose strands of hair on her face making it too mesmerizing for Levi to look away.

"Captain" Claire calls Levi as she waves at him, giving him a bright smile.

Levi watches her as she walks towards him. An unusual rather fast pounding of heart takes over him.

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