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"Huh? Why are you cooking?" Levi asks as he enters the mess hall.
It's only Levi and Claire in the kitchen.
He walks up to her while she is busy cooking dinner.

"Is the Chef not here again?" His eyebrows furrowed. He doesn't like it when people don't perform their duties diligently.

"No, Captain. Actually I wanted to cook today so I asked him." She smiles at him and quickly turns her gaze back to the pot, her handa stirring the curry.

"Are you not tired after the expedition today?" Levi crosses his arms, leaning his back against the slab.
Claire wipes the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve. Her cheeks heating up to a rogue colour because of the heat from the flame.

"Not at all, Captain. In Fact ,cooking is what helps me lose all the tiredness. I just love cooking for people and when they compliment my food, it just makes my day."
She stirs the curry with one hand and tries to move away the hair which covers her face with the other hand.

Levi looks around "Guess, I am kinda early. Since I have nothing to do, I guess I can help you."
Claire chuckles, "Help me with what Captain? It's almost done."

Levi walks behind her, reaching out his hand to slowly pull the rubber band down her hair, leaving her hair open.
Claire is taken aback by his action and pauses for a while. An unsure feeling fluttered inside of her.
Levi gathers her hair and ties it to a ponytail.
"Help you with this."

He again stands next to her against the slab,gazing at her as she continues with what she was doing.
"Is it fine now?"
"Yes. Thank you, Captain." She smiles at him.

"What do you like, Captain?" She asks while pouring down some curry into a bowl.

Levi's eyes widened ,a tint of pink glowed on his cheeks. Probably, he heard it wrong.
*I like you* he tells her in his mind.

As she didn't get a response, she thought her question was vague.
"Sorry, Captain. I made it kind of unclear. I mean, what do you like to eat? What's your favourite dish?"

She notices his pink cheeks, thinking it was because of the gas flames. "Are you feeling hot, Captain? Your cheeks have turned pink." She giggles.

Levi looks away. He is sure that it was not because of the heat but something else.
"No, I'm fine."

"You didn't answer my question, Captain" she puts a spoon in the bowl, handing it over to Levi.

"I don't like anything in particular. But if you ask then, Maybe...apples" Levi tastes the curry and remembers how she said that she likes it when someone compliments her food.
"It's good." He gives her a polite smile.

She smiles back at him, "Thank you, Captain."
She covers the pot with a lid and turns off the gas.
"Apples...okay then... I'll make you an apple pie someday. My mom taught me." The smile on her face slowly fades away as it reminded her of her mother. She stares down at her feet.
"She would make the best apple pies. They were my favourite."

No words were exchanged for a while. Complete silence surrounds the air.
Levi doesn't know what to do at this point. It was rare for her to wear a sad expression on her face.

"Sure, I would love to have some. But you better make it delicious otherwise you have the punishment coming."
She couldn't help but guffaw. His words comforted her. Punishment is the only thing Captain could think of all the time.

Levi feels relieved seeing her laughing. A smile cornered his lips as well. Her bright and smiling face is all that he wants.

Claire picks up the dishes to set them on the table. Levi takes half of them and helps her in her task.
"You can now sit, Captain. Thank you for all the help."

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