~ Chapter 2 - Awakening ~

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Tanjiro Pov

The last thing I remembered was confronting my father before everything went black. I slowly became more aware of my surroundings.... I could hear voices speaking in a serious tone. I decided to listen to the people first before I got out of his resting. I scrunched my face in disgust  at the thought of my "resting place". I felt utterly betrayed and yet I couldn't be angry. I only felt sympathy and I knew I have to stop father at all costs.

A calm voice broke through the chaos of yells, "I believe we have found Muzan's weakness as he has gone berserk looking for that boy. We should wait to pass judgment on him for when he wakes up, and I believe he will be an ally to us. He should be waking up pretty soon."

"But Oyakata-sama it's obvious the boy is a demon and I can't accept that!" A loud and aggressive voice retorts back. I immediately knew it was time to come out. I knew this was going to be trouble, I'm afraid of what might happen, but this was the best choice. I slowly sat up my hair falling into my face as it was no longer tied up. I made it out of the coffin while having to use my blade as a crutch due to not walking for a long time. I slowly made my way towards the voices. Where I could see the sunlight shine. As I finally made it to where the voices were I was able to see the interesting group of people before me.


No ones Pov

Tanjiro could instantly tell they were strong especially the nine people not on the patio. They were all strange and unique bunch to see together and honestly, Tanjiro was a bit overwhelmed by them all.

Before Tanjiro knew it, every person was staring at him. "Seems he has woke up." The person known as 'Oyakata-sama' said. "Hello." Tanjiro said. " I am guessing you are confused on where you are..?" Tanjiro nodded his head at 'Oyakata-sama'. "You are at the demon slayer corps." Oyakata-sama answered. Tanjiro already had an Idea of where he was because of the clothing the hashiras were wearing. 

Oyakata-sama smiled softly at Tanjiro. This made Tanjiro lose balance for a moment. "This meeting is dismissed for now." Oyakata-sama said. "Hai" all the Hashiras say in unison. Tanjiro just stood there as all the Hashiras took their leave. Oyakata-sama still stood there till all the hashiras were gone. He then said, " May you sit across from me..?" Tanjiro hesitantly did so. " What era is it?" Tanjiro questioned. " It is currently the Taisho era." Oyakata-sama said calmly. "May I ask, what is your name?" "Tanjiro is my name." Tanjiro replied. "Tanjiro I would like to ask you questions." "Go on" Tanjiro said. " Why where you in a coffin..? What are you? And why do a You have a sword..?"

"My father.... Muzan.... Put me in the coffin for me to 'rest'." Tanjiro answered. Oyakata-sama's expression did not change, so Tanjiro continued... "I'm half human - half demon." "Before you answer the next questions may I as who is your mother?" "Yoriichi Tsugikuni, is my.... mother." Oyakata-sama's eyes widened but then his face turned back to his usual soft expression. "I see." "This sword is my mother's" "Well then, Tanjiro, you be going to be placed in the butterfly mansion." Tanjiro nodded. He figured he could trust this man and these people, though Tanjiro did Have a slight grudge because of what the demon slayers did to his mother....


Sorry it is short, and not the best I kind rushed :)

Sorry it is short, and not the best I kind rushed :)

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