~ Chapter 5 - Nezuko ~

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Tanjiro Pov

I woke up to a crow pecking at my window. How odd. The crow must be lost, trying to find it's demon slayer master. I slowly lift up my head , and get up, opening the window to let the crow in. To my surprise it was for me..? 

The crow said, " *CAW CAW* Tanjiro Tsugikuni, Join Oyakata-sama and the pillars in the meeting. I will lead you there!!! *CAW CAW*" It kept repeating. " I understand." With that the crow stood there waiting for me to get ready.

I put on my Yukata, my haori, and brushed my hair putting it into a neat ponytail.

I jump out the window, and follow the crow to Oyakata-sama. 

When I get there I am met with the familiar face of Shinobu-san the only pillar I knew. 

"Ehh, why is the demon here?!" A scarred man with white hair said.

"Oyakata-sama needed me for the meeting apparently.." I answered getting straight to the point. The white haired man just made a Tsk sound. 

I just sat near Shinobu-san, I feel quite comfortable with her, although she did smell angry at times.

I just like all the other pillars where wondering why the heck I was invited to a meeting. Must have been something important.

"Oyakata-sama has arrived." The twins say in unison. "Hello my children."

"Hello, master, it is delightful to see you in good health." The hashiras say.

The master just smiled. "Is Tanjiro-san here." 

"Yes" I say after Oyakata-sama finishes. "Well, the reason I have invited Tanjiro to our meeting, is to discus the matter of Tanjiro joining us." The hashiras went wide eyed just like me. "I must disagree Oyakata-sama, it is impossible for a demon to join us!" The scarred guy said as he glared at me. 

"I agree with Sanemi." A guy with a Snake around his neck said. Oh... so his name is Sanemi. "Yes, but he is friendly, and never dared to hurt anyone... am I right Shinobu-san." "Hai, Oyakata-sama." 

"Well, does anyone else still have a reason to disagree..?" Oyakata-sama asked. No one said anything.

"Then it is final, Tanjiro you will receive your crow and you may wear what ever you would like."

With those words a crow came down to my shoulder, I suppose this crow is mine now. "You will have one day before going on your first mission, you may now leave." 

I did what was asked. 

I wonder what will be my first mission. As I was deep in though I bumped into the boar guy. "Ehhhh, You want to fight me!?" "Inosuke calm down." Said a girl - like voice. I looked around to find who it was, and turns out it was a beta girl with black hair fading into orange, pale pink eyes, with the same clothing all the injured demon slayers wear. 

Nezuko looked like this:

Nezuko looked like this:

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" You also want to fight me Nebako!?" He called her. Her name was... Nebako..? What a odd name. "My name is not Nebako, it's Nezuko! And your food is ready to be eaten so hurry up!"

Oh so her name isn't Nebako, it's Nezuko. "Your both lucky that food is ready next time ill fight you for sure!"

She came up to me a bowed while apologizing I just reassured her saying, " Its ok." She asked for my name and I replied with, " My name is Tanjiro  Tsugikuni." "My name is Nezuko Kamado, I hope we can be friends." She smiled... wait, KAMADO!? I kept a straight face and nodded. No wonder she reminded me of Sumiyoshi, she could be his great x6 granddaughter..... no lets not jump to conclusions.....

'Nezuko' snapped me out of my thoughts by saying, " Would you like to join me and my friends for dinner?" 

"Sure." I said simply. She smiled and led me to where these friends of hers were.

When I entered the room I was met with the blonde and boar head. 

"EHHHH,  NEZUKO - CHANNN WHY DID YOU INVITE HIM HERE!!!!???" Cried the annoying blond kid.

"What do you mean Zenitsu, you know Tanjiro?" Nezuko questioned. The blond kid was Zenitsu....


*Lets skip to where they are seated and everything is sorted out*

   "Wow, so your the one who beat Kanao-san" I nodded at Nezuko.

"She is really fast and strong, so you must be very fast, and super strong." She looked at me with awe.

"I bet I can beat kamaboko!" the boar guy, who's name is Inosuke said. I sighed and said, " Yup..."

"Well, I finished my food so ill be going, I had a great time with you Zenitsu-san, Inosuke, and Nezuko." I waved goodbye and left.

I actually enjoyed the company of the two idiots and the girl.

They might just become my closest friends.....


I made a chapter.

Your welcome.

ok bye ✋😐

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