~ Chapter 9 - Dream Demon ~

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Nezuko Pov 


I heard Rokuta  cry, it broke my heart but I knew this was all a wishful dream.

This isn't real. 

My family is dead.

I kept running and running, never looking back, because I knew if I look behind me I would break.....

The soft fluffy snow crunches beneath me, I could see my breath as I inhale and exhale intensely....

I slow down and I feel something warm run down my cheek....? I realized.. I'm crying..... 

I wish this dream was real.... I really do...

But I won't leave behind my friends!

There is only one way for me to get out of here.... If it doesn't work....

Ill die....

I slowly un - sheath my sword, and hold it to my neck.

I quickly behead myself, swiftly, so I feel no pain...


I gasp awake. It worked.

I slowly lift my head from Zenitsu's shoulder and I feel my cheeks flush, I slowly inhale and exhale, everyone on this train is asleep...

I look around and move my hand till I feel something fall off my wrist... I turn my head to the sensation on my wrist. 

A rope...? It was cut. It seems it was also tied to something... I follow to where to rope leads to with my eyes.

And I am met with a pale white man, with black hair. I soon realized that everyone was tied to these ropes.

And mine is cut.... Could this be something to do with getting out the demons blood art...? Hmmm..

I take out my pitch - black sword, and decided to cut the rope attached to, my friends, Rengoku-san, and Tanjiro-san. 


I rise from the ropes I have cut...

There seems to be no reaction.... Maybe I should kill the demon first...

Matter a fact, where is the demon? I can sense it all over the place! 

I pause.

Something was moving-

A woman quickly charges at me with something pointy like a dagger.

"What?" I quickly say suprised.

"YOU... you took AWAY our SWEET DREAMS" A man says from behind the woman that's looking at me like I'm her worst enemy.


Why are they attacking me.


"Your working for the demon...?" I ask. They look at me, eyes wide, but quickly they go to normal.

The group charges at me and I just knock them out....


Moving on! 

(the mood change is real)

I jump on the roof. I feel the demon mostly over here....

I open my eyes, to see a blurry figure in the distance. The demon?

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