~ Thanksgiving Special ~

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None of the following takes place in the actual story.


Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro are staying at Nezuko's for Thanksgiving. 


"Wow Tanjiro did you make all of this!?" Nezuko says in suprise.

Nezuko was currently in front of a big table of food and deserts, ranging from mochi to a whole Turkey. 

Tanjiro nodded.

"Monjiro! This is most delicious!" Inosuke says as he eats a mochi cake.

Nezuko just looks at him with disappointment.

Tanjiro chuckled.

"Inosuke, that food is for all of us." Tanjiro says.

Inosuke frowns and apologized to the omega.

That was odd, seemed like Inosuke had a soft spot for the omega.

"Now, now! Lets set up and eat!" Nezuko said cheerfully.

The other three smiled.

All four were now sitting at the table and praying.

"Thank you kami-san for all this delicious food." They all whispered before digging in.

"Delicious! " Zenitsu coos. 

As the nigh goes on the four talk about random stuff, and when I mean talk, I mean Zenitsu, Inosuke and Nezuko babbling about things while Tanjiro listens and watches quietly rarely speaking.

Tanjiro is reminded of the simple days when its was just him and his mother...

At this Tanjiro smiled..

Tanjiro felt like this was home, a family, and so did the others...

When everyone finished eating they all fell asleep together........

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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