~ Halloween Special ~

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~ This has nothing to do with the actual story

(Not my picture ⬆)


Third Pov

"~Kawaii" Nezuko exclaimed.

It was Halloween night and all of the boys dressed up. Nezuko picked their outfits, and she is currently admiring how adorable Tanjiro looks in the Werewolf costume she bought.

Nezuko got Tanjiro a werewolf costume,

Inosuke as a frankenstein

And Zenitsu as a mummy.

And she was a Witch, a cute one.

The bunch of friends were almost done they just needed to wait for Zenitsu, and only then would the the trick - or - treating begin.

"I'm done!" Zenitsu yelled as he emerged from the room in the butterfly mansion.

Now the group of friends were ready to travel to the village for trick - or - treating.

The pictures below is basically how they look ⬇

Tanjiro ⬆

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Tanjiro ⬆

Tanjiro ⬆

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Nezuko ⬆

Zenitsu ⬆

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Zenitsu ⬆

Inosuke ⬆

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Inosuke ⬆

(Original designs, used Gacha Club)

The crew was now walking in the empty halls of the butterfly mansion. The reason for their emptiness was because everyone was in the village celebrating or on a mission.

It was a comfortable silence that they had, was, because when they got the first sight of the village Inosuke challenged the the rest to a race.

They were currently running down the hill trying to catch up to Tanjiro but he was just to fast.

" How are you so fast!" Both Zenitsu and Nezuko say in the same time while running.

Somehow even though there was a humongous space between them, Tanjiro heard and yelled, " Training!"

Once they got to the entrance and was now walking Inosuke promised," I'm going to beat you one day Gonpachiro !" 

Tanjiro simply nodded.

When the group entered it was so beautiful and Halloween - ee.

There was glowing orange pumpkin lanterns, stalls of candy and delicious food you get to taste only this time of the year. There was costumes, plays, activities, and trick - or - treating. 

When Nezuko saw the lanterns and the activities Tanjiro could have swore he saw her eyes dazzle. 

Inosuke went straight to the food stands.

The rest of the group followed him. They each got a candy apple. But there was a bit of a problem when they had to pay...

"Ill, pay" Tanjiro said 

"No, its my treat, let me pay!" Nezuko sounded determined

The two kept arguing and the poor guy that sold them the apples was just watching.

The two finally agreed that both will pay half and half.

With that done the group sat down at a table and ate their candy apples, talking about random things.

But when Tanjiro smiled everyone in the group stopped to admire.

Tanjiro's smile was so cute, so nice, it warmed you on the inside.

When Tanjiro smiled the others smiled to.

Nezuko had the same warm smile as Tanjiro, not as bright and warm but still enough to make you have butterflies or make you warm inside.

The group then split up to play games, and decided they would meet with food later on near a cherry blossom tree.

Tanjiro went with Nezuko and Zenitsu with Inosuke

Nezuko and Tanjiro had so much fun together, Tanjiro had to admit, this was the most fun he has ever had in a long time.

And Nezuko reminds him of a little sister.

Tanjiro was sure if he ever had a sister, he would love her to be like Nezuko, a beautiful, strong, smart, girl.


Your wondering what happened with Zenitsu and Inosuke... Aren't you..?

Well, I suppose they had fun... Well... One of the them, that is Inosuke, Zenitsu was practically dragged around.


It was time to go back to their meeting spot and enjoy some food, so Nezuko and Tanjiro started buying sweets and delicious food like, Tea, Dumplings, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake, Onigiri, Yakitori, Soba, tempura, different mochi, different Macarons, And wagashi. 

While Inosuke and Zenitsu just brought Shrimp tempura, and sushi. A lot of it....


Nezuko and Tanjiro got to the cherry blossom tree first, so they set up everything, they displayed the food so everyone can grab some, the picnic blanket that was checkered orange and white.

They laid out plates as well.

When Inosuke and Zenitsu returned with the bunch of sushi and tempura they had, they started eating.

And when there was still a lot of food left and they were all to full to eat, they wrapped it up to give it to one of their many other friends in at the corps, Nezuko hopes to give Tomioka - San some when he come back from his current mission.


Hope you liked this little Halloween special, 

the next REAL chapter is coming soon, I promise!

Chow ✌😀

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