~ Chapter 7 - Muzan and Lowermoon one~

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Third Person

As the biwa struck all 5 Lowermoons were summoned in front of a Lady with black hair put into a bun, with milky white skin and blood red eyes, along with a beautiful black kimono. 

"Bow down." The woman said. The demons were very confused but they refused to do what was said and even replied with, " We don't bow down to such a lowly demon, we only bow to our lord." The lady seemed furious. While one of the demons thought the woman sounded like their master.

As soon as a biwa struck all the five demons were on the ground before the lady, bowing.

"I am your master. How dare you." Was all the lady said. The eyes of the demons widened. "FORGIVE ME MASTER! I DIDN'T -" Before the poor girl, also known as lowermoon Four  could continue the lady also NOW discovered as muzan interfered, " Who gave you permission to speak?" 

The girl shut her mouth and 'Muzan' continued," I shall dismember the lowermoons. You lowermoons  were always replaced every 200 years and none of you have ever gotten to kill a hashira. Do you even fear me? Or do you fear the hashiras..."

Muzan continued," Lowermoon  6 died because of a girl, she wasn't even in the high ranks of a demon slayer, this is how weak you all are....." " Please my lord, if you could just give me your blood I could happily kill-" "Oh, so your ordering me now?" Muzan glared at the Lower moon that dared to 'order' him.

"No I-" ...... The poor demon was killed. With this the others were terrified.  'Damn it, I'm screwed!'

"Oh, screwed? How so, how are you 'screwed'." The lowermoon was shocked. Muzan! He could - he could read minds!? 

"Answer me." Muzan said quite sternly. The lower moon didn't dare answer. He also ended up dead.

'There is no way, we are all going to die! He could minds then the only way is to.... Run....' Lowermoon three though as he started running as fast as he could through the confusing fortress. 

But in a blink of an eye the demon was caught with its head in Muzan's hand. 

'How!? I didn't even hear the biwa!' 

One by one every lowermoon was killed until there was only one left. Enmu also known as lowermoon  1 was left bowing in blood in front of muzan. 'He's just going to kill you!' The head of lowermoon 3 thought.

"any last words?" Muzan asks the demon in the puddle of blood.

"All I can say is, it is going to be an honor to get kill by you my lords. I just loved how all the other demons screamed as you killed them! Ahhh~ it's like a sweet dream~" Muzan smirked.

As muzan injected the demon will his own blood, Muzan said," I will be giving you my blood, if you desire more than I want you to kill the girl with black hair along with orange tips, and pink eyes. You may also find my son." And with that the demon was dismissed and teleported with the struck of the biwa in an alleyway......


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