~ Chapter 8 - Dreams on a train ~

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Tanjiro's Pov

Today was my first mission as a demon slayer. I put on my kimono and haori. As I put my sword on my hip I head a crow outside my window saying, " CAW CAW, TANJIRO TSUGIKUNI GO TO A TRAIN WITH OTHER SLAYERS INCLUDING THE FLAME HASHIRA, THERE ARE REPORTS OF DEMON ACTIVITY! "

Hmm, so it seems I'm going on a train with other slayers and a hashira... Maybe the has hashira is there to make sure I'm not attacking humans.....


With that I leave my dull room and venture outside. Its nice and warm outside today... I think ill be getting to the train in a few hours or so....

*Time Skip*

I am now currently at the so called 'train station' and I need a ticket of some sort to get into this 'train'. I wonder what the thing called a train looks like. I haven't been awake for quite a long time so I don't know what any of these things are...

"Tanjiro-san!" I hear someone call, I turn around to find Nezuko. "Are you the one we are going on the mission with?" I simply nod. I was never one to talk much.

Behind the beta known as Nezuko, there are the two idiotic alphas fighting like they usually are. The poor beta, Nezuko, is trying to calm them down but Inosuke, one of the alphas, just keeps yelling, and the other one also known as Zenitsu clings to her crying a whole river.

I internally face palm. What a troublesome group....

It seems those three already have tickets.... Nezuko then looks at me and hands me a ticket saying," here." I look at her and mumble a 'thank you'.

Soon after the 'train' appears, it has wheels... What a wonder some contraption. The three were being to loud to notice that I was boarding the train.

An odd man with even weirder clothes led me inside, the inside of the train had seats, many, many, seats.

To be honest I was a bit overwhelmed, but I just continued to find the hashira.

Not even a second later I spot a man with a flame like Haori and fire like hair. It was Rengoku-san .

He is about the only hashira I would recognize, I wonder why they put me in a mission with him. Maybe because its a dangerous one? Or because they don't trust me...?

I shake off the thought and just quietly sit next to Rengoku-san. He just looks at me and says, " hello my boy!" His loud voice startled me a bit but, I could get used to it.

" Hello", I quietly replied. Rengoku-san smiled. I made a small smile back.

After I said hello it turned into an awkward silence......

That was until the train was moving. I panicked.

I mean, I knew the train moves but, I was just a bit nauseous because of the way it starts moving.

It went, back and forth, back and forth, until it started moving.

I was wondering where was Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu-san.

All of a sudden they appeared, walking from what seemed like the very back of the train.

When Nezuko-san saw me she waved and led the other two alphas to me and Rengoku-san.

Once they settled Nezuko-san asks me why aren't I wearing the uniform. I simply told her, " I dislike the uniform for it makes me to suspicious. "

She nodded agreeing.

"Nezopachiro FIGHT ME." Inosuke-san yelled. " No Inosuke, we are on a train." Nezuko told Inosuke.

"why don't we all rest!" Rengoku says in a loud voice, I easily mistaken as yelling.

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