Meeting A Deadline...

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Hannah's POV

I didn't even bother to glance away from my computer screen when I heard my front door slam. I just adjusted my glasses focusing on the words I was rapidly typing onscreen trying to get the scene in my head down before my deadline tomorrow night. Hence why I pretty much had been hunkered down typing away for the last day. Truthfully, I was surprised it took this long for my house to be barged into. Ignoring the bootsteps on my hardwood floors I remained focused. A squeak of surprise slipped past my lips when a bearded chin rested on my shoulder that was exposed by my oversized t-shirt, which was something never worn out of my house because it would result in my conservative mother having a heart attack.

The scent of cigarettes and leather filled my nose as I turned my head slightly meeting the twinkling eyes of my best friend. My fingers stilled on the keyboard knowing he was reading what I was working on trying to keep my body in check from having any type of reaction being this close to him. After all these years one would figure I'd either be over this crush or just given up. But try as I may I wasn't and resigned myself to just being alone. A quiet chuckle rumbled from his chest that was pressed to my back.

"What smut you working on today Hannah?" Brantley teased wiggling his eyebrows at me until I growled throwing my elbow back into his stomach making him grunt. He stood up straight with a chuckle turning to walk towards my kitchen no doubt looking for food. I blew out a breath trying to regain my train of thought until a muffled yell sounded from my kitchen. I sighed turning my head looking to the doorway seeing him standing there with arms raised up to brace on the doorway looking at me.

That Black Rifle Coffee Company t-shirt raised up just a tad with that pose giving me a glimpse of the tattoo on his stomach and I instantly needed to quell the dirty thoughts running through my mind that should only be in a book instead. Green eyes narrowed at me from under the brim of that black hat.

"Woman.. you realize you are out of food right? Have you been living off coffee and peppermints again because you are too focused on writing?" I shrugged absently trying to play it off. Fine, I had fallen down the writing rabbit hole the last few days. "I was hoping you would have at least had something in your fridge. Mine is bare since I have been on the road."

"I didn't realize I had become your cook since your divorce," I said through clenched teeth reaching out to close my laptop with a snick turning to pull my glasses off meeting his glare. I knew he meant well but that stare made me back down in a heartbeat. When spending my whole life in the shadow of two very conservative parents micromanaging my every move and one of my best friends having a larger than life personality I was torn on who I needed to be some days. I was tired, stressed, running on fumes and really just needed to get this book finished. With my glasses out of the way, I noticed Brantley's green eyes soften realizing how tired I was. He took a few steps towards me prompting me to raise a finger pointing at him. "No. Don't you dare give me that look Brantley Keith. I am a grown woman. I can handle myself."

"Right," he said with a snort rolling his eyes. He stepped closer laying big hands on my slim shoulders turning me back around in my chair leaving one hand on my shoulder while stretching the other out to open my laptop. I couldn't help but giggle when he slipped my glasses back on my nose before tweaking it. "Finish up Han because I know you won't rest until you do. I'll run to the store and grab something to throw on the grill. You need to eat and I don't feel like being alone if I am honest. Demons clawing at the edges. I'll even pick up brownies."

"Ice cream?" I asked trying to blink the tears wanting to form in my tired eyes away. At least someone in my life other than Emily tried to take care of me when I was too stubborn to ask for help. He paused at the front door looking back over his shoulder with a chuckle. I noticed the shadows under his eyes as well. The last six months had taken their toll on him. Talk of the country music community when a video went viral of him being served with divorce papers onstage in the middle of a show. I would never actually do it, but I owed her a punch to the face with that one.

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