Birthday Shenanigans: Part II

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Hannah’s POV
I would love to say that I was not curled up on my couch with the blinds drawn, phone turned off and quietly sulking. But yet here I was doing just that. Emily had already threatened to beat me with a wooden spoon earlier until I cut my phone off so she would leave me alone.  It was my birthday so I could technically cry if I wanted too. I wiped at my eyes one more time resting my chin on my raised knees just wishing the soft couch cushions would absorb me to put me out of my misery. I really couldn’t believe that he actually forgot. If he was on the road that was one thing, but I got blown off for a date. I really believed he was joking to throw me off the scent of some surprise, but I was so, so wrong. Sitting there in silence other than my sniffles, the banging on my front door a while later startled me to the point of falling off the couch. I hit my living room floor with a squeak hearing the pounding again.

“Fine,” I grumbled pushing to my feet wiping at my bleary eyes. Whoever was on the other side of the door was getting the real me not any fake mess that I was all sunshine, roses, and obedient daughter right now. I didn’t have the energy. I stomped across to the front door hearing my bare feet slap on the hardwood before I yanked it open with a low growl. The sight before me stopped me in my tracks as my eyes trailed up seeing that smart ass smirk radiating down at me. I glared raising my finger up in determination drawing on every ounce of southern sass I possessed. “No!”

“Yes, Banana,” PJ said with an evil grin rubbing his big hands together. “Either you come the easy way or the hard way. Boss’s orders.”

“Boss can go screw himself,” I snarled turning to head back in my house. Only I didn’t make it far before I was thrown over a big shoulder hearing my door slam followed by a booming laugh. I’m sure my wiggling and fighting the giant who had me was making the neighbors stare. I was tossed in the back seat before the door slammed. About the time I righted myself to dive over the console, PJ had slid into the driver’s seat, flipped on the child locks, then calmly put a big hand in the middle of my forehead pushing me backward. He started the engine pulling out of my driveway on two wheels with a booming laugh. But it was the second laugh that had me pausing baring my teeth. I met Emily’s twinkling eyes with murder in mine. Well I did until a set of clothes hit me in the face.

“Get dressed Han,” she said with a devious smirk to rival her cousin’s. “ Do it and do not bitch. Not one damn word.” She also held out her hand palm up. “And cough up the glasses since you wear them like armor. You won’t be needing them anyways.” I wordlessly did what she said knowing it wouldn’t do me any good to argue. She passed over my rarely used contacts. I ducked down in the seat popping them in as PJ flew down the backroads of Jackson County.  Just what in the heck were they up to. After wiggling into the skin tight ripped jeans Emily had handed me. I threw the tank top on and slipped the distressed black and red flannel on wondering even more what they were up to.

Without another word Emily tossed a pair of boots at me as I felt the truck slow down. About the time I slipped them on the truck had come to a stop. My eyes blinked against the sunlight when PJ tugged the door open holding a big hand out to help me down. When my feet hit the concrete I paused feeling my jaw hit the ground seeing the asshole best friend who should be on a date leaning against his latest two wheeled purchase with that hat backwards and trademark smirk on his lips. Emily tossed an arm around my shoulders with a laugh waving a piece of paper under my nose.

“You didn’t!” I hissed closing my eyes wanting to die of humiliation. I really, really could kill her right now. I heard a deep chuckle as boots approached making me want the concrete to actually swallow me up right now. “Emily Katherine Gilbert Miles!!! You are a dead woman.”

“Yes,” Emily said with a devious laugh dodging me as I opened my eyes trying to smack her. Some of the fiesty girl from my youth sparking in that moment. “I did drag out the almost thirty/post divorce bucket list. It is past time you started checking things off.” I groaned trying to smack her again only to be stopped with a long arm banding around my waist tugging me backward against a hard chest.

I growled trying to throw my elbow back because I was still mad at him even if I was trying to kill Emily first.  He would be next. But the arm around me tightened lifting me off my feet with a gasp as he turned heading towards the bike. No. No. No. And no. My butt hit the leather seat with a gasp when Em stepped closer smirking at me. “ Yep. And you are starting with number ten. Have fun Banana!”

“Brantley Keith,” I hissed from clenched teeth trying to climb off the Harley but was stopped with a raised eyebrow.  “ You know I can’t. I will never hear the end of it. It is not worth it.”

“Like hell it isn’t Han,” he said with a snort rolling his eyes leaning closer to me then gently sitting a full faced helmet in my hands. “There is nothing like two wheels out on black sweetheart.  Past time you experienced it. Fear of your mama is the only thing that kept you from taking a ride with me or Kolby all these years. Lord knows we used to have to sneak you into the clubhouse. But she won’t know it is you and I won’t drive straight through town even though I am tempted.”

I sighed nodding my head knowing he was right. I lifted the helmet putting it on as he climbed on in front of me and let out a loud gasp. I tried to get settled not sure what to do until a big hand grabbed my leg yanking me forward settling my hips against his. I felt myself blush all the way to my roots at the position I was in and not sure how to handle it. I tentatively raised my hands to rest lightly on B's sides feeling the soft t-shirt under my fingertips. I felt his body rumble with a chuckle when he turned giving me a wink. “Hang on Banana.”

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