Well....That Is Interesting...

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Brantley's POV

I leaned back in the shadows right outside of the Dawg House taking a drag from my cigarette taking in the scene in front of me with a quiet chuckle. No doubt if Hannah could see herself right now, she would be almost tomato red with embarrassment. But she was having the time of her life and it was past time that she did. The impromptu party Emily had help me throw had turned out great. Steve let out a booming laugh as the girls drug Hannah up onto their makeshift stage to sing karaoke. Her chestnut hair all tousled around her face from our ride earlier. Now that in itself had been a feat.

For years I had tried to get her to let me take her for a ride, but she had always let fear of what her mama would say reign. Today, after seeing it on her bucket list, I wasn't taking no for an answer. Yea, there had been a girl or two on the back of my bike over the years. I was married after all, but there had been something different about it being Hannah that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I felt the shift in her the moment she let go and just enjoyed herself. The grin on her face when I had stopped then turned as she tugged her helmet off had almost blinded me.

I flicked my cigarette out then headed further inside stopping at the bar to grab a Coke listening to the girls belt out their version of "Country Girl Shake It for Me". I tugged my phone out filming a quick video to text to Luke no doubt knowing he would get a kick out of Emily, Hannah, Hannah #2 singing away. Han threw her head back with a throaty laugh pausing me in my tracks but it was like it tugged at my gut. I shook it out and dropped down on a stool beside PJ watching the fun.

"You did a good thing Boss," PJ said with a rumbling laugh shaking his head. "I haven't seen Banana this relaxed in a long time. Probably was that night Emily took her to see Miranda."

"Lord help," I sighed covering my face with a laugh as he cracked up as well. "Last time I let my cousin and best friend loose in Nashville with Ran's crazy ass. I was pretty sure you were about to have to break up a barfight before I grabbed Hannah with Corey right behind me to chase down his wife. I know better than to step in front of Miranda. Hell she can knock me to my ass in heartbeat. So, so much tequila drank that night." I heard the music change and chuckled to myself. I knew Emily put this shit on with a purpose and well, I had to do my due diligence.

How the tradition got started all the way back in high school of dancing with Hannah to Edwin McCain's "I'll Be" I still don't remember but it was tradition none the less. Corey brushed past me scooping his wife up making her squeal. Laying a hand on Hannah's slim waist I spun her around seeing blue eyes widen a touch before she bit her lip nodding. Tugging her closer, I felt her breath puff against my neck when she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. That ever present smell I associated with Hannah all these years making me smile. I leaned down placing my lips close to her ear to able to hear over Jesse and Steve serenading each other, just a little offkey. "How did this wind up being a tradition again?"

"Because your sappy butt was nice enough to take my no date having tail to homecoming your senior year," Hannah said with a giggle tilting her head up meeting my eyes with a twinkle in hers. I became very aware of just how close her face was to mine. The honey smell teasing me. Shit. Where was this coming from? I bit my lip shaking my head knowing she was right. I'd found out some dumbass junior asked her as a joke with the intent of standing her up. Well, needless to say Coop and I had pummeled him after practice. Then I had batted my eyes at Hannah telling her she would have more fun going with me instead. Come to think of it, Mama still had that picture in a frame to show off whenever she felt like it. "One of the few times we got you on the dance floor in high school. Sober."

"I only spiked the punch once," I said with an evil grin. "The other times it was Coop and Corey." A memory of that night hit me out of nowhere. I hadn't thought about that red dress she and Emily had shopped forever for. "I still remember how beautiful you looked in that red dress."

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