It Didn't Say Enough

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Brantley's POV

The words coming from the woman that was such an integral part of my life splashed over me like someone had just tossed a bucket of icy, cold water over my head. I jerked up facing her with narrowed eyes seeing tears slipping down her cheeks knowing she was telling the truth. Out of instinct, Hannah scooted backward at the look on my face, but I was so mad I didn't stop her.

"You better explain right now," I snarled watching her move to scramble to get away. I snaked my hand out catching a fuzzy sock encased ankle tugging her towards me. The desperation to get away in those blue eyes only added to my anger as she struggled against me prompting me so lean down bracing my hands on her upper arms enough to keep Hannah in place but not hurt her. A low growl from me as I hovered over her immediately stopped the fight coming from her. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. What hell had she put herself through? "Now Hannah Evelyn or being as "Eve" has done music videos with Chase and Cole too, does that mean you make a habit out of sleeping with your co-stars?"

"Fuck you Brantley Keith,'' Hannah hissed in between sobs. "Other than you I haven't slept with anyone since my divorce. So, fuck you." At those words, I felt a pit in my stomach that made me remove my hands from her backing away as the sick feeling grew. Did that mean? Surely, she was lying. Han threw her shoulders back wiping at her face. "I never intended to sleep with you. It was just a video shoot but dammit, you're my fucking weakness even if you never realized it. Soon as your lips hit mine that day, I couldn't have said no even if could have formed the words. You are so damn blind when it comes to me anyways. But as always, you never see me."

"Never see you Banana," I scoffed rolling my eyes. Mama would smack me right now for pretty much putting my foot in my mouth. "I always see you, Han. You are one of the most important people in my life."

"No," she snarled wiping at her face her chest heaving with sobs. A hiccup slipped out and if I wasn't so mad it probably would be cute. "You still see that little girl tagging along behind you. Just like I have our whole lives. There was this little bit of hope after Amber you would open your eyes but that will never happen. So, life will always be like it has, I guess. And newsflash if you haven't connected the dots, you are the asshole you have been bashing for the last month for not being there for me. When in truth you were."

"You are saying..." I said running a hand over my face as I was hearing the words. Hannah bit her bottom lip so hard it turned white. "That..we... well fuck... there was always...dammit."

"No type of birth control is 100 percent effective," she muttered looking down at her hands. Pulling her to me would be the right thing to do but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I moved away from Hannah rolling to where I could get to my feet. I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I had to get out of there. Grabbing my keys from the table by the door and jamming my feet into the first pair of shoes I saw, I darted out the side door to where my truck was parked slamming it. Backing out into the rain, I tore off into the rainy night with no destination in mind.

After winding through the deserted streets for a while, I turned down a quiet beach access road watching the waves hearing the thunder and rain. Watching the lightning strike over the water as my mind whirled with a million plus thoughts on the shock tossed at me a few hours ago. Being alone with my thoughts right now was probably not the best idea but I didn't know what else to do. I couldn't sit there watching Hannah cry her eyes out over this because for the moment I didn't know whether to comfort her or yell at her. Leaning back in my seat, memories played behind my closed eyes like a movie reel. In that short duration, there had been a handful of times I'd slept with Eve or should I say Hannah now. It was always on her terms and at times I felt like she was using me just for sex, but now, could it be that she was being coy to keep a distance.

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