Heated Words and Bobby Bones

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Two months later....

Hannah's POV

"Can't believe you are making me do this," I muttered at Emily as she touched up the makeup under my eyes. I winced when she popped the back of my head making the slight hang over, I had worse than it already was. I used the excuse we were celebrating the deal she had negotiated for one of my books to be turned into a movie. Because it was centered around country music, I was booked for a remote interview for The Bobby Bones Show. "I will think of some way to get you back.''

"No, you won't, "Emily quipped back with a snort rolling her eyes before fixing one of the lose curls my hair was done in. "It's better than you hiding out and drowning your sorrows. You have been the talk of the Sunday school gossip circle for the last two weeks. Between the hangover and the short skirts Han. Your mama almost had a coronary. Just get off your stubborn ass and talk to him."

"No," I hissed pursing my lips to apply the soft pink gloss she handed me then tossed it at her narrowing my eyes. "I've made enough of a fool of myself. Not happening again."

"Right," she muttered getting my iPad in place while I slipped in a pair of small hoop earrings. "You are drawing attention to yourself hoping he will cave and light into your ass for your behavior. That dress was wasted the other day since he was in Nashville. Which you would have known if you would talk to him." Her phone beeped ending the lecture I was about to get. Brantley nor I had reached out to each other since that disastrous trip to the beach. How we had managed to avoid each other living in the small towns we did who knows but we pulled it off. Christmas was almost here, and I felt the ache of being alone more than I had in the past. Here was praying that next year would be a better one. "Okay it is go time."

"Okay," I said going to straighten my glasses and fluff my hair one more time when the call connected, and Bobby's smiling face came on the screen. I waved pasting a smile on my face taking a deep breath.

"Folks," Bobby said with a big smile and a deep chuckle. "This morning we have the lovely Hannah Stewart with us. For those of y'all wondering who she is, she is a pretty well-known author, that my wife loves by the way. One of her recent books has been picked up to be turned into a movie with a well known cast to be filmed here in Nashville. This lady also has some ties to the country music community. Are you excited Hannah?"

"I am," I said with a big smile still in disbelief myself. "It's an honor to know that this cast is going to make something I wrote come to life. Still pinching myself."

"Well, you are amazing at what you do," Bobby said with a chuckle. "I read a little my wife showed me the other day after the news came out, but I have a question to ask since this story is based around the world of country music there any inspiration to the lead male character?"

"Oh, he was just a vision I had in my head," I said feeling my cheeks turn bright red and heard Emily smother a laugh from the corner of my office. I fought the urge to flip her off right then and there but kept my smile in place. "I mean, I am a Southern girl through and through so who doesn't love a good Southern gentleman."

"True," Bobby laughed giving me a wink. "But I think you are holding out on us. I mean that black hat and tattoos the character has and since you hail from the same corner of northern Georgia the bad boy of country music does, that sound familiar."

"Ummm..." I said looking at the screen like a deer in the headlights. What in the hell? But Bobby's attention was turned towards his screen for a second when another screen opened up revealing the exact man, he was talking about sitting on the couch in the Dawg House with that freaking hat backward and a smug smile on his face. Bobby's grin got even wider. I clenched my fists underneath my desk digging my nails into my hands deciding that once this torture session was over, someone was going to inexplicably die.

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