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Hannah’s POV
The solid knock on my front door had me jumping letting out a whimper. Emily slowly sat up from her reclined position on my love seat meeting my eyes then nodding slowly. I got up nervously walking to my front door wringing my hands together the entire time. I knew this day was coming just had hoped it wouldn’t be this soon. Gathering some courage, I reached out pulling the door open. I met the steely eyes glaring down at me. I stepped back motioning for PJ to step inside before closing the door following him into my living room. Emily was up pacing.  I was halfway tempted to join her when a throat clearing stilled both of us in our tracks.

“So…,” PJ drawled rubbing a hand over his beard studying both of us. I could see the hidden temper in his eyes. “I think it is time you get to talking Hanna Evelyn Stewart. Thankfully Boss is Atlanta today and didn’t really need me, so he doesn’t know I am here. Caused quite a pissed off man the other night when “Eve” up and disappeared. Chicken shit move sweetheart.” Shit, I thought with a wince. There went the full name, no Banana at all PJ was pissed. He narrowed his eyes at Emily as well. “Don’t even think of giving me death glares Em. I bet good money you were in on this from the word go.”

“Not like I encouraged her to sleep with him,” she growled back narrowing her eyes at me as well. Needless to say, when I had stumbled back from that video shoot with wild eyes and not knowing what to do, she had calmly listened to me before losing her shit saying I was playing with fire. “I told her it wasn’t a good idea. I never even dreamed that when I told Shane yes to Eve being in the video Brantley wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off her. Shit, all we have heard since the divorce was “single for life”.

“He was on her like a pit bull after a bone,” PJ said with a snort making me blush to the roots of my hair. I never expected that reaction either because I had heard the same thing. I’d only flirted with him, which was something so out of my norm, just to mess with him. Never would have dreamed I would have found myself pinned against his truck a couple hours later. Inquisitive eyes studied me as I peered up at PJ from under my glasses. “But it explains a lot though.”

“Which is?” Emily asked with questions in her eyes as well. She moved to take a seat beside me on the couch as PJ paced my living room. “You know something I don’t?”

“You blind Em?” he said with a humorless chuckle. “He was on Eve like a dog on a bone because she is Hannah. Try and deny it all he wants and tamp it down to the point of it being buried, he has always been drawn to Banana.”

“No, he hasn’t,” I said with a snort rolling my eyes. “I am his best friend; you think I would have noticed it.”

“That is exactly why you don’t Banana,” PJ said gently giving me a smile. “You have locked it down too because you still to this day think that he thinks of you as the little sidekick trailing after him. Darlin, why do you think he moved ahead getting back with Amber? You do recall you had gotten married not long before that? But then again you dove headfirst into Scott because of Jana.” My face paled at his words even as PJ and Emily, both gave me a knowing look. “Ol PJ sees more than anyone gives him credit for ladies. Now explain to me how “Eve” became a thing.”

“You know I finally started publishing my books when I was getting divorced from Scott,” I said quietly. Emily reached over laying a reassuring hand on my arm. I was so out of my comfort zone. “We were shooting the cover for my first book and the female model was a no show. The photographer is a friend of Emily’s, well she made a joke that I could do it. I refused because that is so not me and I was nervous enough about even putting myself out there with my books. Well Em pulls out the tequila and the three of us jokingly come up with the idea of me doing but they suggest the idea of disguising myself. So, contacts to change my eye color, wig that is way lighter than my natural hair and some cosmetics. Bam. I looked like a completely different person. Jacey was so thrilled with the shots, she sent them to a magazine and one thing became another.”

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