Is It Lust????

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I won't lie, I had known Boss a long damn time, but he was currently making me roll my eyes so far into the back of my head I was afraid they were going to get stuck. The display he was making of himself with the damn model on set was borderline hilarious in a lot of ways. He was leaned in close lip syncing along with the music his head so close to hers it was like they were almost kissing. We all know the intent when he turned that signature black hat around backwards earlier. I was worried he was acting out over the divorce from Amber. Considering he hit rock bottom the first time she left, it was unnerving how calm he had been in many ways this time.

Don't get me wrong, Eve was stunningly beautiful and the outfit they had her in for this video truly made her a country boy's wet dream. I saw the uneasiness in Jesse's eyes as he watched Brantley tug Eve closer to him making her hands land on his chest before he stepped backwards backing her into the side of his truck that was being used as a prop. Jesse thought like most of us did, that once the smoke cleared on the aftermath of Amber that BG would see what had been right in front of him all along.

We all figured at some point he would see Hannah for more than the tag along she always had been. How he never noticed how she felt about him none of us never knew. And dear sweet Banana thought she hid it so, so well. Well, they both were nuts and it was past time someone put them in their place. And watching Boss back Eve into the side of his truck giving her a smirk before slamming his lips down on hers making me roll my eyes and Ben let out a cheer I saw that he wasn't pulling his head out of his ass today.

Brantley's POV

"CUT!" I heard Shane yelling as the music around us stopped followed by a loud whistle that no doubt was from Ben. The lips beneath mine were like an addictive drug that I probably needed to stay far away from but the trembling body pinned beneath mine made me want more. Never breaking the kiss, I slid my hands down Eve's body gripping her ass tightly wrapping those silky looking tan legs around my waist. I was courteous enough to make sure the black sundress wardrobe had dressed her in still covered her perfectly.

I broke the kiss looking down at her seeing the desire in those green eyes knowing that was enough to spurn me on to what I was about to do. I turned heading towards my bus with only one thing on my mind and that was making the woman wrapped around me lose hers. Lust plan and simple is what was roaring through my veins as I increased my pace feeling those nails trace lightly over the back of my neck causing fire to blaze through me.

Never had I had a reaction like this to a woman. Ever. I pushed her against the door reaching a hand out to key in the code but stopped myself forcing words out instead of moans as her lips ghosted along the curve of my neck shifting her core over just were I was aching the most making my eyes cross. I needed to be buried in her right the fuck now.

"Please tell me you want this darlin," I murmured leaning into to nip Eve's full bottom lip earning me a whimper to bubble out. I rocked my hips forward brushing my erection against her praying she didn't change her mind. I didn't know this woman...well from anyone but this animalistic need to bury my dick in her as far as I could go was taking over. I breathless gasp bubbled up with a half nod. "I need words sweetheart."

"Yes,'' came the throaty whisper before she trailed her nails over my chest sliding it closer to my aching dick. "Take me Brantley. Right the fuck now." That was all the encouragement I needed to enter the code before I swung her up higher in my arms yanking the door open. Then intent of heading straight for my bed went by the wayside as soon as small teeth sank into my earlobe tugging gently. Couch it was then. I dropped down gripping Eve's hips feeling her shudder when I ground her hips down to rub my cock right where she needed it and I wanted her. I could feel her practically dripping through my jeans.

She was on fire. I went to reach for her silky blonde hair but she stopped me with small hands guiding me to the full breasts that were heaving as she rocked her hips against me. I tugged the straps to her dress down burying my face into the peach scented valley of heaven feeling nails dig into my shoulders at the move prompting me to tug the dress down further capturing a dusky pink nipple between my teeth hearing a moan rock through the quiet bus. I couldn't up but chuckle as Eve yanked my shirt up taking my hat with it tossing it behind her with a smirk that can off her face the second I sucked her nipple hard into my mouth. Leaning back she reached between us for my belt having it and my zipper undone wrapping slender fingers around my aching cock making my eyes close as I moaned. It had been a while and if she kept that shit up I was going off like a rocket.

Like she read my mind, my face was tugged up meeting green eyes that were deep pools of desire arching an eyebrow at me. Well okay then woman I would give you what you wanted. I shifted hearing a whimper at the move yanking my wallet out grabbing the condom stashed there pulling it out holding it up. I almost swallowed my tongue when she deftly took it from me ripping the package open with her even white teeth then lifted up to slowly sheath my cock. I watched in completely mesmerized as she lifted up on her knees sliding her skimpy pink lace underwear to the side with one hand before lowering herself down on my aching cock. Won't lie, my eyes almost crossed at the move. I threw my head back with a growl. Slim fingers laced with mine lifting them back to her breasts covering them as she started to move.

Completely taken back by this woman I was helpless to take control of the rhythm she set raising and lowering on my cock blonde head thrown back in abandon. It was single handedly one of the most erotic things I had ever seen. Eve lifted her hands off of mine reaching over to brace hers on my shoulders picking up her pace barely keeping the whimpers and screams in. My heart raced lifting my hips to meet hers in such a punishing, pounding rhythm I wondered if I would survive this. I could feel the moisture from her dripping pussy slipping between us as the sounds of our bodies slapping against each other echoed throughout the confines of my bus.

Shit, I increased my pace feeling her come apart in my arms with a scream pulling my own orgasm behind hers. I collapsed back against the coach feeling Eve slump over me burying her face in my neck. Soft puffs of breath sending shivers down my spine as I felt the aftershocks coursing through her body. Damn, if we had kept that up we risked turning this bus over. An evil thought raced through my mind that I aimed to do just that as soon as the energy returned to me. That was fucking hot as hell. A quiet throaty laugh sounded from the sated woman in my arms. I blamed the lust filled haze for what happened next.

Eve raised up slipping me out of her pulling a whimper from me because I missed the snug, wet heat of her body. I reached for her only to have her take a step back tugging her sundress back down and quickly fixing the straps tucking those glorious breasts out of sight again. Before I knew what was happening she leaned down kissing me hard making me see stars then backed away sashaying towards the door of my bus just like neither of us had just achieved a mind-blowing orgasm. Damn minx winked at me before pausing at the top of the steps.

"That was fun outlaw,'' she said with a chuckle and flirty smile making my jaw drop. "Shane has my number. Track him down and get it if you ever want to repeat that performance."

Then she disappeared down the steps as I sat there mystified at what had just happened. That woman had literally rocked my world then walked away. Fuck that I thought with an evil smile I would get that number and I was most definitely getting my hands on her again and she would be too damn tired to walk away next time or tied to my bed one. Rubbing a hand over my face I shook my head with a chuckle oh she wouldn't know what hit her that was for damn sure. She wanted fuck buddies it seemed, and I damn sure aimed to please. Yep I would get my hands on that devlish minx sooner than she expected. 

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