Don't Happen Twice

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Kolby's POV

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I climbed out of my truck looking up at the low lights on in my brother's house thinking about the begging text message I'd received earlier making my wife crack up while we finished picking up what we needed from the store. Banana had my brother wrapped around her little finger and she never really realized it. Knocking for good measure before walking in, I heard a squeak before a small form collided with my chest. I looked down as Hannah looked up blinking at me behind her glasses. Ever since their date the other night, other than making a pass by her house to grab clothes, which had been last Wednesday and it was now the following Saturday, these two had been hiding out. Chestnut hair piled up in a messy bun, flannel Christmas pajama pants, and a red tank top since it was warmer was the cuteness that was my brother's best friend. Well, guess she was more than that now.

Hannah let out a squeal taking the bag I held up and turning on her bare foot heading back into the kitchen with me trailing after her. I let out a booming laugh at my brother standing there wiping flour off his face and pulling his hat off shaking it off as well. No doubt he probably put his finger in the cookie dough and Banana retaliated. Wouldn't be the first time it happened. She dropped the bag onto the counter pulling out the cookie decorating supplies and the Sour Patch candy canes she asked for.

"So,'' I said leaning my hip against the counter watching the pair of them trying to keep a serious look on my face. "This is where you two have been hiding all week. Surprised the house hasn't been knocked off the foundation." Brantley rolled his eyes raising his hand up flipping me off while Hannah turned as red as her tank top ducking her head. "What? Am I wrong?"

"Quit picking on my girlfriend before I boot your ass out Ko," Brantley snickered as Hannah jerked her head up at his words with wide eyes. He gave her a wink leaning over to kiss the top of her head before resuming his task of taking cookies off a tray. Well, that answered the question most of us had had since earlier in the week. I was glad he finally pulled his head out of his ass where it concerned Hannah. "Thanks for dropping that stuff off little brother. Saved one of us a trip into town and someone over here swore she wasn't going into Walmart in her pajamas so when Hannah #2 mentioned y'all were at the store figured check with y'all."

"No problem," I laughed holding my hand up to fist bump his then pulled Hannah to me hugging her with a smack kissing on her forehead. "Save me some cookies sis and y'all better surface to make it to church in the morning. Probably go a long way to quiet the county rumor mill that has been running rampant since that impromptu make out session at dinner last week."

Brantley's POV

"What in the hell?" I snapped flopping back against the headboard of my bed hearing the woman beside me giggling. "You mean to tell me she chose that jackass over the other guy. I mean damn he was the better choice."

"B,'' Hannah said in between her giggles as I growled at her playfully. Woman had conned me into another round of the sappy Christmas movies she loved along with sneaking in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation in there. I mean you have not lived until you have heard Banana quote that muttering "shitter's full". My phone vibrating beside me pulled my attention away from her as I pulled up a text from Kolby.

Kolby: So I have to ask big brother, matching Christmas pajamas next? Y'all would look absolutely adorable.

I sighed rolling my eyes turning my phone for Hannah to see making her snicker when I sent him back a selfie of my middle finger then grabbing her flipping her beneath me with an evil smile hovering my lips over hers.

"What are you doing to me woman?" I teased nipping her bottom lip getting a giggle in return as slim arms wrapped around my neck pulling me closer. "Going to ruin my badass reputation."

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