Is It a Date...Like A Date...Date??

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Hannah's POV

Biting my lip, I nervously paced my closet just wondering what in the hell I was going to wear. I had pterodactyl size butterflies in my stomach over this. Was it a date? I mean he did ask if he could take me to dinner. But was it though? Brantley and I had gone to eat a million times over the years so why would tonight be any different.

"Shit," I muttered tapping my foot standing there in just my robe after curling my hair again and putting on a little makeup. "Maybe I was reading things..."

"You read them perfectly," Emily said making me whip around to see her leaning against my closet door with a soft smile before walking in with me laying a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "It is a date and to prove how well that man knows you, that is why I got a text asking me to come check on you because he figured you would be freaking out. Deep breaths Banana."
"What do I wear Em?" I muttered lifting my hand out of habit to nervously push my glasses back up my nose but having decided to wear my contacts they weren't there. "I don't know where we are going and who we would run into so there is that to consider and...."

"Stop overthinking it," she giggled pushing the side of my head before hip checking me out of the way to flip through my closet. "Where what you want. Put your Mama's nagging voice aside because hell you have already given her enough material lately as is to bitch about so what is one thing more girl."

"That was also before I cussed out Brantley on a national radio show," I groaned covering my face resulting in Emily cracking up laughing so hard she sounded like a hyena. I lowered my hands glaring at her. "We are going to have so much blowback from all of that. I mean.."

"Han," Emily said giving me a coy smile. "It wasn't on air." My eyes widened at her words. "It was just the three of you that is it. Bobby owed BG a favor and Brantley was out of ideas to make you talk to him. He figured pissing you off was the quickest way. My best friend and my cousin were miserable without each other so of course I helped. But the world seeing that is not happening so ease your mind and....." She paused talking to pull out a pair of tight ripped skinny jeans tossing them at me. "Put those on." Then tossed me a thin black long sleeve shirt with just a subtle v neck that would display the right amount of cleavage. I pulled the jeans and shirt on knowing better than to argue with her. Next a pair of my mid heeled leather booties were tossed at me followed by a red and black plaid shacket. Emily turned back around rubbing her hands together with a grin. "Okay, the earrings and such are on you. My work here is done." She leaned over giving my cheek a smacking kiss heading towards the door. "Relax and have fun Banana. It's just B."

"That's the problem," I yelled after her hoping around putting my boots on. I glanced over at my clock realizing it was almost seven before scrambling around to slip my jacket on and perfume. I was threading a pair of earrings through my ears when a knock sounded on my front door make me stop and my heart race. I expected the door to open but it didn't. Well okay then. Hell the damn man had a key. Closing my eyes taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing heart then opened them to grab my phone heading to the front door. Opening it, I heard a low whistle as I looked up at the man leaning against my door frame in typical Brantley fashion making me almost drool because it was complete with the backward Black Rifle Coffee hat and a broad smirk.

"Damn Banana," he muttered holding a hand out for mine as I reached back locking my front door. He used our joined hands to spin me around slightly. I felt a blush spreading across my cheeks. Reaching his truck, he opened the passenger side door for me before taking both big hands to grip my waist lifting me into the truck. Something I was completely capable of doing on my own but who was I to argue. He leaned in gently kissing my cheek making my hormones fly into over drive with the smell that was all uniquely him and the soft smile on his full lips. "You look beautiful. I was right when I text Emily wasn't I?" I rolled my eyes at him getting a laugh because I felt like my tongue was cemented to the roof of my mouth I was so nervous. "I wanted to take the bike but with it cooling off, I didn't want you to get cold. Maybe next time?"

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