ch. 1

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All that could be seen in his vision was nothing but the same dismal gray nothingness Dream had come to resent, seeing this bleak world with unimpressed eyes, longing for the alternative. There wasn't a single thing that stood out against the unremarkable dull haze that blanketed all his surroundings.

Dream wanted color.

His life wasn't much to be excited about, drifting here and there, searching to find the person he was desperate to be with, and everything that came with that.

Color and his soulmate went hand in hand, tied irrevocably together in a way that combined into one crucial event that would change the course of your life forever, which meant Dream yearned so badly for it all.

Because in this universe, when you meet eyes with your soulmate, for the very first time, that fateful meeting would be confirmed by the ability to see color, undeniable proof that you and that person were destined to be together, only with each other could unlock the full beauty of the world.

It was poetic, beautiful.

But it was also very lonely, having to search for your soulmate, waiting for life to truly begin with them and be complete.

Though, some people would never meet their soulmate at all. Whether it was from lack of trying, settling for someone else they decided to love instead, or just from twisting and tangling up the strings of fate irreparably, causing them to never cross paths at all.

It was far from being an exact science, to be honest.

Dream didn't want any of that, at least any part that he could control. He wasn't just going to give up like he saw so many others do, or see how some would waste so much time and end up meeting their soulmate so much later in life, or perhaps not at all, which was directly caused by them.

No, Dream was putting himself out there, making sure every decision he made felt right, like the universe was directing him to the one he was dying to love.

It was just so difficult to have to wait for his life to begin.

But, he was just stuck, unable to fully move forward until he found the person. It made him sad, Dream's heart aching for that breath taking moment that would define his very life when he finally would meet his soulmate.

That was the main objective, but he couldn't deny the fact of how much he wanted color, moved by the beauty of it all since he was a child.

His parents were soulmates and Dream would ask constantly for them to describe the hues they saw of the world, the true vibrancy he was so sorrowfully missing out on.

Just by description, he was drawn to the color green. The soft grass Dream could lay in for hours was green, the leaves from the trees he would climb up as far as he could go were that color, and the plants that he kept in his room for that reason, he knew filled his space up with that lovely green. He wished so badly he could see it.

He was even told that his eyes were a bright, captivating green. After hearing that, Dream would stare into the mirror at his so disappointingly black and white reflection, trying to picture the color he loved so much to show in his eyes.

Of course, he hadn't seen green for himself, so he could only sit and imagine what it could possibly look like. But, it was really incomprehensible, having only seen black, white, and far too much gray.

If only he could just see it all with his own eyes, Dream was sure his room and his image were just covered in all this color, hidden away from his sight, like they were mocking him.

And that all solidified it in Dream's mind, stubbornly refusing to settle for any less, only wanting who he was meant for, and the alluring perk of color that came with that.

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