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Pipers POV

When I got home I went to my room to think of a plan . Percy and Annabeth, will make a cute couple hmm I should play match maker with them . I smile softly as I grab my phone to FaceTime her after a few rings she picks up . Is she laying down on something ? " hey Annabeth how's it going?" She smile as she has AirPods in her ear" I'm doing great Piper." She smiled big as she looked off the screen at something

" What are you looking at ?" I smile " um nothing really ." She blushes " Annabeth are you on a date with someone ?" I look at her as my hopes and my OTP might not happen " kinda but we're not sure if we are or not ." I look at her " who is it ?" She turn her camera and I see a sleeping Percy laying next to her in a beanbag chair I squeal super loud " ow piper that's my ear." She glares at me angrily " wait are you wearing his jacket? " I look at her hoping she didn't get scared from Percy's tattoos " yeah I am also I really like his tattoos they're beautiful . " I smile softly as she looks at him sleep ." That's good so what did you two do for the date ?" I smiled " well we went to the bakery where his mom works at..." I stop her " wait you met his mom ?" My jaw dropped as she said that " yeah I did she super sweet." I look at her " Annabeth I think you and Percy will be  a cute couple ." I smile softly as she looks over at him " he drools in his sleep. It's cute." she said that with a smile then it turned into a worried look" hey I have to go okay. I think he's having a nightmare." I nodded as I hung up I have to call Jason about this.

" So sparky guess who's on a date with each other?" I smiled as I stare into his lighting blue eyes threw my phone screen as we face timed " I don't know who?" I smile softly " Percy and Annabeth ." Jason looked at me through his phone " are you sure cause they just met." I rolled my eyes " listen here stapler boy I FaceTimed Annabeth and saw it with my own two eyes they were at the library sitting in the big beanbag chair that's cuddling, also he showed her his tattoos." His eyes widen " okay I guess he trusts her that much." I smiled softly " so if they're at school tomorrow as boyfriend girlfriend it'll be amazing."

I smiled as he sighed " it'll take a couple of months to before they date knowing Percy "  I sigh then smiles " okay let's make a deal if they're together tomorrow I can dye your hair whatever color I want for the rest of the year " he nodded " that's a deal . " he smiled as he laughed " what if they're not together by tomorrow?" I think for a bit " We can have a Trek Wars Marathon Jason" he got upset a bit " First off its Star Wars not trek wars ." He laughed a bit . "Secondly I'll take that bet pipes ." He smiled " so our anniversary is coming up soon sparky are you planning anything special?" I ask teasing him hoping he asks me to marry him it'll be our 5 year anniversary this year " um I can't tell you it'll ruin the surprise and all." He just laughs softly " no but really what are we going to do I hope it's nothing to fancy . " he just looks at me " you'll see okay I have to go Thalia is calling me I love you . " he smiled " I Love you too sparky

A new meaning of friendship and love ( a Percabeth ,and Jiper AU )Where stories live. Discover now